I firmly believe there is a "golden child" with N families. I have an older sister who is the firstborn and most definitely the "chosen child," my Nmom's golden child. In all ways, she has and continues to be treated differently.
I have also read a lot about NPD and how many maintain that the golden child is also abused. I admit I find this difficult to accept. It's not that I don't believe there is some abuse attached to this golden child, it's just that from my experience and level of abuse, I find it really hard to have any sympathy for the golden child. My sister has gotten all the attention, interest, time and "love" from my Nmom and co-dependent dad. She could become a serial killer and they would still place her on a pedestal. She has done really terrible things to my brother and I and others, yet she is forgiven anything. In fact, my Nmom will never, not once acknowledge that my Nsister has any faults, weaknesses or made any mistakes. As a result of all this special attention, my Nsister has led a successful and productive life. Thanks, in no small part, to my Nmom's efforts, she has excelled in her career. She has found a partner who has doted on her through their entire relationship as any co-dependent would. She has been successful in ensuring that my parents all but eliminate my brother and I from their lives so they can devote all their time to her. In my eyes, she has won. She has gotten everything she's wanted. And she's deeply hurt others in the process.
So I have a hard time seeing how this "golden child" is abused or been hurt by my Nmom as I have. She has gotten every break in the world, in large part to the attention and interest she has received by my parents along the way. Like I said, she has done terrible things yet suffered no consequences as a result.
Thus, I really don't see how it's fair to equate the "abuse" of the golden child to the others. Some would say the golden child experiences abuse because they are so closely tied to the Nparent(s). But it just seems to me they get their cake and eat it too.
Just an opinion....but I really find it hard to have any sympathy for the golden child, who by the way, is often N him/herself. From what I've read, the golden child is often the firstborn or at least the child who closely identifies with and mimics the behavior of the Nparent. Thus, they became Ns themselves. Not fun. But not easy to be sympathetic with either.
I'd be interested in hearing what others think.