Author Topic: 3 Weeks and Counting  (Read 6620 times)


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2007, 05:21:26 PM »
Thanks BR.  I'm working through all of the feelings and feeling the grief.  I have a hard time with the fear.

The good news was that the person who called was my co-worker who was out for a funeral today, not my mom. 

I feel so ridiculous, and it's awful being so paranoid that I won't answer my phone at work.  My parents like to call me at work because they can talk to me here, then I get upset and they don't understand why.  I almost panic when I see that outside number come up though.  I need to start answering again, but I'm scared to.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2007, 07:31:13 AM »
I didn't finish reading here, so I don't know if someone suggested this, but can you ask the school NOT to let your mother pick up your son. It might make M feel better too. He may have the same fears as you - he may not tell you, but perhaps he also likes having NC. He may worry that she will come and he will not know what to do. Maybe I am off the mark... but it would still be good if you talked to them so you will always know where he is. You don't have to tell them the reason - just that you will be the only one picking him up and no one else is authorized to do so.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2007, 07:43:19 AM »

A warning and inspiration here to keep you strong...

Bets' story of her Nmother stealing and alienating her daughters (you are right to keep NC for M too, or only contact that you completely control -- as in supervise when youre ready -- and rare at that)...Moving plans???

Pops' triumph of the NMIL starting to act like a nervous rabbit because suddenly she just senses that this is not the old Pops any more, there is an adult woman, unafraid of her games, looking her right in the eye With Boundaries Showing.

The fear is just a feeling, and I promise you, it's way out of proportion. When you eventually do wind up speaking to your mother about something it wil be an anticlimax. One thing I used to do was when my mother would talk on the phone I'd time it for 30 seconds and spend half of them twirling the handset like a lariat...notiicing that her voice was tinnily coming out of the speaker but not hearing it. Now and then I'd pick it up, quickly say a bored-sounding "uh-huh" and then after the 30 seconds (TIMED... boundary for myself) was up, I'd pick it up again and say Got to go, will talk to you another time, Click.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2007, 08:15:16 AM »
I agree, Hops. The first time I was terribly angry with my M and didn't talk to her for about a month, I expected some kind of blow-up. But the truth was, she didn't care. And she rambled on about her animals and whatever and I said, "uh-huh" and that was that. Telephone-wise, she has no power over me. Adn when I see her, she also has very little power over me now. And even if you talk to her now, you know what the game is - you don't have to buy into it. You are MUCH stronger now.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2007, 08:49:42 AM »
Dear Tayana,
  I wanted to echo that the "power" that they have over us is really "smoke". I wrote to Poppy about my FIL.One day, I stood up to him.I didn't plan to. He was a horrible N. It just so happened on that day,I had dragged two infants down to visit them. I had just had a C-section and I was exhauseted. He started making 'picky ' comments at me. I was to tired to be my "normal" scared self so I picked myself up and calmly said that if he could not treat me right I would never see him again. For the rest of his life, he treated me with respect.
  The N's are cowards. They see people in 2 categories: those they can pick on and those they can't. My M does not mess with my Aunt b/c my Aunt gets in her face and won't accept any abuse. My M stopped abusing my F b/c he won't take it. She stopped abusing me b/c I won't take it.
  Tayana-----trust me on this. You can slowly ,slowly take your power back. I think that I have to go NC, now. However, for you, at this stage,you just need to slowly see her as "not so powerful"(IMO)
   It will come. Don't worry if healing is not a "straight' line. It isn't(IME).
  You will get your power back,in time.                       Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2007, 09:30:09 AM »
Beth, the school won't let anyone pick him up without a note of authorization from me.  The daycare I don't know about.  He got sick yesterday and they didn't call me because they didn't want to go through the menu at my work.  I was not amused.  I'm home today, and I guess I'll cancel my vacation next week, for at least one day because I don't have much time left.

Hops, I didn't have a good day yesterday.  I feel better today.  My anxiety levels went through the room, first with the call that I thought was my mom, and then M getting sick.  Then I had parent conferences at school, and that was a bit of a strain too, since I had to leave M home.  He was fine.  He just watched TV, but I was the one who couldn't relax.

I'm working on the moving plans. 

I don't know why I worry about seeing her so much because I know she's a sick, small woman.  Her health is failing, and she really can't do anything to me now.  I can probably see her without a problem, but I have a hard time letting go and letting things happen.

I'm working on the fear.  I work on it with my T.  I just try to keep it at managable levels.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2007, 04:13:00 PM »
Hang in there Tay,

3 days must have been great, now 3 weeks greater, and before you know it 3 months and you will be feeling SO much better still, that you will triumph and then when 3 years comes--- you are well home free.

The paranoia is normal at this stage. Everytime I went out I looked over my shoulder. That passed as time went by and I was feeling better every day. At the beginning I couldn't believe it would happen, but it does.

keep on keeping on



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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2007, 04:18:57 PM »
One foot, one day, one hour at a're doing incredibly magnificently well, Tay.
It may be hard for you to perceive your progress because you're IN your life, but from
cyberspace, you're shooting up like a sunflower.

Suggestion: raise holy HELL and threaten legal consequences at the day care if they ever allow anyone other than you to pick up your son. In fact, give it to them in writing.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2007, 10:36:05 PM »
Thanks everyone.

Shunned, I never wrote the book, or even started it.  Although I did write a story once about a mother who stole her daughter's identity.   

Izzy, I'm glad the paranoia is normal, because it really scares me sometimes.  It's not as bad as it was when I first went NC.    So, it gets a little better everyday.

Hops, thanks so much.  I'm not amused with the daycare, although they aren't supposed to let anyone but me pick him up.  I will be livid if that happens.  Although, I hear my mother's health has deteriorated even more, so she might not be up to such schemes right now.  Apparently, her cancer may be back.  When I heard about that I felt guilty for a few minutes, and I considered calling.  Then I thought she'll just use that as a way of guilting me into visiting or into more contact, so I didn't call, just felt sorry for her for a few minutes then went on with my life.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2007, 06:30:34 PM »
This is going to sound awful but... your mother may be telling people she has cancer again just to try to get control of you back, tay.

Hard to say but what a wicked way to live.... not knowing if someone is doing that to you or is sick or what... bc that's the kind of person they are.

I hate living with that kind of not knowing.

Did your brother tell you that or her doctor?  Whatever your father and brother say has to be taken with a grain of salt. 

In any case, I'm sorry you have to think about that now, ((tay.))

Hope you and M are doing OK.


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2007, 06:36:39 PM »
You helped to inspire me, Tayana. Today is day one of real NC for me. I am sorry to hear about your M(if it is true). Whatever she has, she has tried and is still trying to destroy you. They want to rub us out like a "cigarette butt.".Maybe they "can't help it.I don't know but the effect is the same. They are out to destroy us b/c only one "man can be standing".It will always be them.
  Sorry for all the pain ,Tayana.              Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2007, 10:37:03 PM »
Hi Tay,
I was thinking that if you make your intentions clear to the daycare there could be no "if that happens."

YOU are the mother, so all you have to do is TELL them: noone else, noone including his grandmother, picks him up without my approval, and you must get that from me personally.

Assertiveness practice.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2007, 11:17:58 PM »
Lighter, my brother told me about the cancer thing.  My dad told him, and apparently no one knows the real story.  There's a little part of me that thinks I should contact her, even though I know she's only going to spew poison at me.  She's gotten nastier as she's gotten older, I think.  I don't know if I should call or not.  I don't want to.  I really don't.  I'm happier without her in my life, and M is angry that I won't let him go see her.  I feel like I'm screwing something up here, and I don't know what it is.

Ami, I'm so glad I've inspired you.  Thank you for your kind words

Bean, thanks for the kind words.  I do feel somewhat stronger.  I'm upset about some things, but at the same time, I'm not panicked about them, so maybe that trip up the psychiatrist's steps did me some good after all.

Hops, assertiveness, right.  I remember that.   Be more assertive.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2007, 08:43:58 AM »
Tay..... I think your mother, father and brother all want you to contact her

I think it's a mistake FOR YOU.

And certainly for M.

M may be angry but.... his longterm wellbeing is at stake and already compromised bc of the time he's spent with her, IMO.

It's your job to protect, teach and train up your child as best you can.

That usually inlcludes extended family member's support and guidance. 

In your case...... it doesn't.  Sad, but there it is.

Your parents are sick and do damage without having to think about it.  She damages.... he follows it up with assurances that she's NOT doing damage...... it's you.... just keep subjecting yourself to her and all will be well.

Writing that made my stomach burn :evil:

It will be more peaceful for your father if you do as your mother directs you to, anyway.

Your father's grown.  M's not.  They're toxic.  You can see some of the results every time you look at your child.  She instilled fear and doubt in M's head.

Her job, as Grandma, was to seek out support and treatment, take him to therapists and try to help him with socialization. 

What did she do?  WHAT DID SHE DO, tay?

She did what she wanted to do, what was in HER best interest, what felt good for her.  INSTEAD of what would have benefitted M.  And she crowed about the sacrafices she made and the trouble you both were, even as she sat on her big keester and did very little..... while she tore him down and made him doubt... kept him from other children and filled his mind with fear for the world. 

Is that a loving Grandmother's job in the life of a beloved autistic Grandchild's young life?

She kept M in the house with her while she sat around and told him what a messmaker he was.  She didn't broaden his horizons, research treatments and seek out therapies and positive experiences for him with other children so he could develop social skills he otherwise will have trouble with. 

She tried to talk you out of that lovely camp, over and over and over and over again.... going so far as to fill M's head with fear and imagined boogey men/child molesters behind every bush.

She kept you close, at hand, access to all your paperwork and took out credit in your name then went about spending like it was free money.... then looked at you like you were crazy when you called her on it.   

Then she denied it after admitting it and let your credit swing.... let you swing.  Your brother and father let you swing.  They all let her do it. 

It's what she does.

 It's what they do. 

That's crazy and if she has cancer again, I am truly sorry.  I would not wish that on anyone and maybe you want her to know you would never wish it on her either...... because she's told you so many times that you must be happy when she's sick or dying.  WHat a crock of ever loving bullshit, Tay. 

Had she been a decent mother and grandmother, not good or great or decent but just good enough......

You'd be making that call.  You'd be by her side.  You'd be giving her support.

She wasn't good enough.... hell.... she was an emotional terrorist doing damage everywhere.

I know it looks crazy to read that.  It feels quite crazy to write :shock:  But it's true.  And so very hard to believe, even when we know bc we saw it, heard it with our own eyes and ears. 

Improbable that a mother would do those things to her own child, grandchild..... husband and self.  She's sick, can't do any better, tay.  She can't ::shrug:: or she would.

The fact that it's likely she's making up the cancer's return, to get a response out of you, is not only deeply disturbing.... it's pathologically evil and a clue as to what you should and shouldn't do regarding that phone call to her.  IMO, of course.   

You and M don't have to invite her hateful blaming shaming impossibly unbalanced reality back in.  Your reality is improving.  So is M's, as a natural by product.

I wouldn't invite that back in if I had a choice in the matter.

M has improved while away from her..... you see that.  It doesn't matter that he's angry.  Kids get angry when they can't skip school.... have alcohol or watch porn on the internet.  But that doesn't keep us from making the correct decisions for their welfare, does it?

Cancer or no cancer...... she's manipulative and doens't care how her behavior affects you and M.  She cares only for herself and that care involves tearing you and M down...... making you feel guilty and responsible for things she's doing herself.  Now that's the epitomy of KER-A-ZY, IMO.

She can't be reasoned with. 

It's like dealing with a zombie.... trying to chat him up and talk him out of wanting to eat your brain.  Nothing will keep him from wanting to eat your brain and nothing will keep your mother from her agenda, which you're already too familiar with. 

Holding M back from learning skills HE MUST HAVE in order to have the best life he can.  What does that gain her?!??!??  And why would you allow it?????  Now?  She's had more than a fair shot at being involved in your lives. 

She still hasn't fessed up to the credit card thing or taken responsibility for it.  Do you doubt that?  Would you invite that back into your lives?  Why?

She's still trying to sabotage M's socialization and keep him bound up in her house as much as she can, not touching anything, feeling fearful and frustrated.... not sure why but feeling it just the same.  She's well on her way to mystifying his life too, making him doubt his perceptions and Good Lord, Tay..... he doesn't need anymore mystery than he already has with the autism. 

He needs help

Not a crazy Grandmother undermining his very core bc she doesn't know how to DO anything else. 

Sad but how many people have to be sacraficed to that? 

And why M?!?!?!?  You know better, now.  This should be a very easy decision for you, I'm sorry it's not. 

She made her bed.  Ya. it's a very very sad one but..... you can't save her from herself, tay.  Is that part of the problem, the sadness of giving up?  Giving up hope, giving up on her, giving up on something better for yourself that includes her? 

Now she's going to have to lie in that bed she's made

Don't you see......?  Even if you kept trying to save her..... she'd just pull you down with her.  Intentions don't mean much at this point.  The results the same, no matter.

No one would be saved.  

Stop doubting and feeling guilt and wishing things were different.

She's shown you who she is...... time to believe her

Feel empathy (from afar) but don't sacrafice yourself or M for one more minute.

Your brother knows you're NC, he knows why you're NC and yet he keeps telling you things about your mother: / 

It doesn't help.   

What part do you see yourself playing in all this, if the cancer really is back?  Truly?

Is it that you are truly a loving devoted child and you want to go to her?  Not going would mean she's right about all the things she's accused you of? 

::throwing red flag on the field::


You'll always be a good person, daughter, mother...... employee, pet owner. 

That's who you are.

You'd be there for her if she wasn't so toxic that she throws you into a tail spin.

You need you too.

M needs you.

Just bc you're avoiding your mother..... doesn't mean you aren't a good child.  You're a very good daughter, tay... much more patient and giving than you should have been, IMO. 

You don't pick up the phone bc of her.... not bc you aren't a nice person.  Lets get that one things straight, if nothing else from this way too long post, I'm about to end, btw.

And the end is this......

If things were different, you'd be there. 

They aren't.....  No hope they ever will be so make peace with it.

Now.... what's tay going to do for her family?  For M and tay?

Is she going to do better? 

Invite light and health and uplifting things?

Or is she going to keep picking up the phone...... getting draw back into the darkness of fear and doubt...... pain and dysfunction?

It's powerful stuff, not easy to shake off, as you've been experiencing. 

You know better than anyone here, tay.......

I don't think you can have both, in other words. 

Building a markedly better life for M and yourself..... and contact with your mother. 

One must be sacraficed. 

One makes a big squaking ruckus that touches/disturbs many lives, and they reach out too......

One would die quietly, with barely a whisper as it passed out of existence. 

It's what your mother's counting on.... that you take the path of least resistance and give her her way.


know this.....






You already have the answers.

It's learning to live with it that's hard.


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Re: 3 Weeks and Counting
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2007, 02:01:32 PM »
Wow Lighter . . . I've read what you've wrote several times.  I even let my friend read what you'd written.

You are right.

After sleeping on it, and I let myself sleep on the idea of calling her this morning, I don't want to contact her.

She'll only spew more poison.  "I'm sick because of you.  If you hadn't moved I wouldn't be like this."

She won't accept that I don't walk around with the big, bad cancer cells in my pocket and wait to throw them on her.  Everything I do, I'm doing to hurt her, or at least that's her story.  She's always the victim.  My hurts and problems don't really matter to her.  If they did, she would pick up the phone and call herself.  I wouldn't have to be the one initiating contact.  I did nothing wrong.

Even though I speak to my brother, I can't quite bring myself to completely trust him.  I want to, but the trust just won't come.  I always hold back.  If I felt I could truly trust him, I would feel not shame or guilt coming out to him.  He's not offering any solutions for me.  He's trying to stay out of the middle.   He's even told me that.

As far as M, I think he's angry because he wants his stuff, not so much that he wants to see his grandma.

And you are exactly right.  My mother did nothing, absolutely nothing, to help M.  The things I tried to do to help him, she refused to try or acknowledge.  Instead she relied on punishment and shaming to get things accomplished.  It just doesn't work.  Now I have a real problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

This is an easy decision, Light, but living with it isn't easy. 

My father always told me I'd regret this, but the truth is, I wish I'd done it sooner.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt