ya know...it amazes me how some people in America, have become so immune to horror and wrong, that we just toss phrases around so callously, such as "well, he's just a control freak," "yeah, he knocked her up again" "she's a ho" "they're takin the cat in to be neutered, declawed...they'll stick some cute lil mittens on her and she'll be sore for a while" "he got her pregnant, but they decided "not to keep" "it" "yeah, he might hit me around a bit, but he's always sorry and promises never to do it again..besides, look at this house he bought me" "Brittany spears oughta just be locked up and throw away the key" "hehehe, Michael Jackson...what a NUT!"
THESE ARE HUMANS AND ANIMALS! Yet so many people in America, just throw around terms and situations like they are so worthless, useless, hopeless.
That's a "baby" that is being destroyed in the womb...not an "it"
Those cute little mittens on that cat, are to hide the fact that a person just chopped off not only its nails but it's bone and ligaments that it needs to be able to stretch
Michael J, Brittany are just people that society glammorized but didn't care enough about to NOTICE the problems they had, till the symptoms of them manifested.
The beautiful house your "man" bought you, doesn't excuse the bruises that you paid for it with, ma'am!
WHEN WILL SOME PEOPLE OPEN THEIR EYES, EARS, HEART...to the cries, the lives of people and creatures around them?
Maybe it will take the openness of the Unitarians to snap people into some sort of respect of nature and differences in mankind, perhaps the Mormons who decide to give life and not take it, will edge into someone's heart before another person will, maybe it's time for the Christ-followers, the lovers of Yahweh, to stop worrying about what people think of them and BE A VOICE FOR ALL THE VOICELESS...maybe