I am reading a great book called Help I'm in love with a Narcissist by Steven Carter.
Here's some of the things he says about Narcissists:
Page 182: We are confused by Narcissists because they have a 2 sided personality (Jekyll and Hyde). The reason why Narcissists have a 2 sided personality is because they lack a true self (they only have a false self). So, because they only have a false self, they are either feeling "inflated or puffed up" (so they feel good and we see their good side, the side we love) or they feel "defeated and deflated" (so they feel bad and treat us badly).
Since we love their good side, we become confused when we see their bad side.
We cannot change their un-itegrated 2 sides.
Page 184-5: Narcissists "trample" our boundaries because Narcissists have trouble distinguishing between "self" and "other". Narcissists have trouble distinguishing between "self" and "other" because they only have a "false self".
Narcissists are charmers and we overlook their red flags because we want to believe the hollywood fantasy of 'living happily ever after'.
Page 186-7: If as infants, we did not separate from our parents in a healthy way, then we will have a hard time enforcing boundaries.
Boundaries have to do with "me" versus "you" versus "us". Narcissists target and love people who have poor boundaries.
Page 189: If you were raised to feel that your needs were not important (your parents taught you to "swallow" your needs), then you probably have weak boundaries and this is how you invite Narcissists into your life. The Narcissists take advantage of you because Narcissists know that you have weak boundaries.
page 190-1: To establish boundaries, you must know who you are and to know who you are, you must figure out what your needs and values are. Then, you must tell people what your needs and values are and avoid people (Narcissists) who do not reflect your values
On page 154, the author writes in bold:
Narcissists don't want your help
Narcissists rarely change
Narcissists punish those who get closest
Page 155: Narcissists inflict the deepest cuts on the people they trust most. If a Narcissists trusts you, you are an "ideal target".
Narcissists fear abandonment, so they attack those they trust because the Narcissist realizes that you will not abandon them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once the Narcissist knows you are a loyal partner, then the Narcissist will attack you.
"When you try to get close and show understanding for the Narcissist's problems, then there is a very good chance that the Narcissist will clobber you" and to add insult to injury, that's when the Narcissist will also probably blame you for their problems!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's a great book because it shows how the Narcissist thinks, how their mind works.