Hi Poppy,
I apologize too...me who always talks about how much she loves religious diversity!
I should have known better than to poke fun, gentle or not, at anyone's religion.
Ashamed of myself. What a lapse. I'm sorry I was so careless, Poppy.
That said, I do think some religious messages are very oppressive and I have a suggestion, but I'd like to know what you and others think...do you feel it would be okay if someone did feel a need to discuss that particular kind of voicelessness, if they just started a fresh thread and labeled it so anyone who didn't want to read any anger about their own type of faith, could just not read it? Or should it always be restricted "behind the curtain"? I dunno.
For example (using UUism, turnabout's fair), here's a hypothetical that did affect a member here once--something like:
Bad Experience From Seducers in a UU Church
Know what I'm getting at? I think if anger at our Nrelationships is allowed, then perhaps anger about institutions or belief systems that anybody feels has hurt or oppressed them should ideally be allowed too? But presented with care and labeled so nobody feels forced to read negative feelings or criticisms about something that's precious to them, as LDS is to you...
Then again, I could be waaaaay off base, or unrealistic in what a cyberboard, with so many different kinds of people, can handle without hurting somebody. I DON'T WANT THAT! Hmmm. Maybe it's a bad idea.
I was raised to believe nobody should ever discuss religion or politics, that it'd always lead to a fight. Oh sigh. If anywhere could prove otherwise though, I bet it's here...
Then again, I have been a naive cockeyed optimist and fallen flat on my face in puddles more often than I can count. And would you believe at this very moment I am actually watching Pollyanna on TV?

(Loving it too.)
I'll just speak for myself and not tell anybody else what to do. I, personally, would like very much to read separate threads about that particular type of voicelessness. Especially for women. Of any faith or denomination. It's been a Very Big Deal in my own life. And if someone's been hurt by their own experience, I promise I will NOT take that as a reason to doubt that anybody elsecould find happiness, meaning, belonging or love and joy in that same faith.
It's a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide world.
Sorry for the long ramble (and the huge hijack, Sunny!).