the reason I gravitated toward the N's and X in my life, was because I WAS NEEDY emotionally and socially. X felt like someone I could connect with spiritually, promised me the sun, moon and stars, in the form of publishing my poetry, giving me a position of worship leader/deliverance minister eventually in X's ministry, and basically promising to be that mother-figure, friend forever.
The above is a good description of the N Woman and my situation, talk about calling a spade a spade.
This N woman was exactly all that you described above and more. When it came to ministry she would oppress people, pick the least talented or gifted in a particular area for a particular role, it was like she wanted everyone to look bad so that she could look good but she knew that she had to let others do stuff too so it appeared to all that she was not trying to gain the spotlight and that she was humble...all to create image but still covertly agressive.
She always had me doing book binding or admin stuff behind the scenes of her prayer ministry. Yet, I am a gifted speaker but she would not let me speak at group meeting or at retreats. She said that my motives for speaking were for selfish reasons, or for points of honour. She even once said that she was afraid that I suffer from spiritual pride, therefore the only reason that I would want to help anyone or speak is to gain admiration, hmmmm I think that was a gross projection of herself. I do suffer from pride, we all do, but now I can see her constant need for admiration and attention yet she plays the meek role so well. Now I see that her image is or what was more important to her than anything.
Once, when I told her that I wanted to leave the ministry and that I thought her doctrine was bogus she sat and sulked with her head down in a corner while we prayed. I was sure that she was just praying devoutly but looking back and hindsight has perfect vision, she was pouting because another person was going to leave her group. She avoided me all through that evening at dinner and was icy saying goodbye...I was always so confused, she was supposed to be loving and about mind games.