Hi everyone I'm new here & felt that my situation was so similar to Gangel's, that I had to reply. I just left my N husband after being married only a few mos. Being a devout Catholic, I struggled w/ this decision. But I managed to leave w/ some dignity, self respect & my faith intact. Yes, he tried to rob me of that too. But God prevailed; always does. Because of my reading the bible, I saw the contrast between God's teachings & the rantings of my "heretic" N. The Good Book says that we should privately confront one who sins against us, twice. If they don't repent, cast them out. And cast them out in front of others, so that all we see. Like you, I'm not a spiteful person but I am God loving. There is mention of the things that God hates in the bible too. My N did all of those & worse. He even tried to have our priest side w/ him against me. Wow, what a rich source of Narc supply! Now he's trying to get other parishoners against me. Point is, that N's love to ally themselves w/ those who aren't quick to judge & are very forgiving in nature. The pews are filled w/ such nice, unsuspecting people, unfortunetely. Ultimately, I trust in God before all. I know that the Lord will guide me thru this. Read what the bible says about what to do w/ these N's amongst us. As a Christain, I feel duty bound to uphold the truth. I pray for the next target that comes into my N's view. I believe I can't just move on without helping the next targets. What kind of God loving being would I be? To close my eyes to it would be a sin for me.I'm not saying that you or anyone should do what I am, by unmasking the N. But I feel duty bound as a Christian, to do so. My prayers are with you all. God Bless