The big TRAP of an N-relationship is the promised payoff - that they will love us IF..........(fill in the blank).
I agree with Ami, Amber what a brilliant post. Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom. I so agree with the above quote. I have cried many rivers over that one.
I got the 'zero-sum' game issue some years ago, long before knowing about N-ism. I could see that the game was rigged and the payoff would never come. And that's one hideous thing. No carrot. But the other thing and I think it is the thing that is particularly where the wall of terror is - is the stick. It's not the withheld reward, it's the punishment applied - the cringing and trying to ward off the rejection, the scorn, the mocking - all the emotional abuse. Especially when you try and try and try and really reach in and pull more out of yourself and put it out there. And I guess it has to come in combination with the brain washing that the N is Right and Good and a Saint and Blameless and your Judge and Objective and the Authority. All that. And me with my schizophrenic mom and no other refuge, none at all.... I cannot imagine how I would have physically survived if I had not become a cult member in the cult of personality of dad.
Approaching this stuff really makes my chest tight and makes me feel like I could hyperventilate - though it doesn't happen.
But how can I stop having that be where I am? I am projected a lot of stuff, not actual thoughts perhaps, but the way things 'feel.' Ami - that is exactly it - the situation with the women today and every day. I have that exact sort of experience too.
I'm feeling a lot of chakra 1 and 2 issues these days. Been reading Carolyn Myss again. Feels right - no further epiphanies.
Also, intellectual life is really important to me. I keep trying to foreswear it but it keeps resurging for me as an issue and a demand to be included in my life. And that's a no-go area. It's behind the itchy wet blanket of horror.

There's no conventional way I could build an intellectual career now and I have been unable to avoid 'self-sabotaging' if I consider steering in the opposite direction to be a sabotage (but it was the direction of a feeling of refuge and safety).
Ami your post is brilliant too. You have captured the feeling of the recurrence of the issue. And Tolle says - and I recognize what he is saying, for me, is true - that we must strive to be awake and present (he capitalizes it - Present). I think he means the same thing you mean about connecting with your core in the present moment. He says we should work at being Present as our Spirits - I think what you mean as present from your Core.
I've got to go on home and may not get a chance to post again tonight but ((((((you guys))))))