Author Topic: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally  (Read 3652 times)


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2007, 02:44:59 AM »
Dear Sunny-

I am quite moved by your story and how you have handled yourself. You are a very special person, and possess a very impressive strength. I think Lighter and Hoppy have such wonderful advice on getting free from Ns, both physically and mentally/emotionally as well. They certainly gave me sincere and brilliant advice and love and support, which I see that they are extending to you as well. ILLA and ILHA !
As far as financial aid, you might try the FAFSA website- I don't know what the deadlines, etc for applications are, but your school's financial aid office may have exceptions , etc., if the deadlines have passed for the term. Speak to them. There are also paying jobs available at most schools as well. I have worked at many of them, switchboard, student job office, etc- that way you are there and your work hours can be structured around your classes. There are often jobs  with outside entities that are contracted through schools which provide an income and count for college credit units . In addition, if your school has a day care or university lab school, that might help things logistically with your young children.
Your husband should be required to provide support for you and the children. Speak to your lawyer about this- that money H spent for phones and such should have gone straight to you for the needs of the family. H should be on a support schedule, so that you can go to school and prepare for your exciting future!
You are realy doing well- keep up the good work!!!Give your kids a hug for me!



Poppy Seed

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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2007, 04:33:08 AM »

I appreciate your words.  I don't want to be misunderstood.  If anyone has been oppressed by an individual in a family or in an institution who abuses authority and seeks to dominate and control and harm those in his or her care, I think it is wrong.  If any individual has anger or any feeling that they feel needs support of healing, I would hope they could share those feelings even if they are about my personal faith or someone elses.  I just feel that the conversation turned away from those issues.  Ideas and opinions were shared and made fun of.  Had the conversation not taken that turn, I wouldn't have had a problem.   And I think it is always a good idea to be careful about faith and religious assumption in a forum like this. And that was the ONLY point I was making.   I want DS or anyone else, including myself, to be able to vent or share feelings and to feel the support of any who would give it.  I just think that we can all express these feelings within respectful bounds.  That is my only point.  I want this to be a safe place for sharing of emotion.  I don't mean to communicate that I don't.  I hope you all know what I am trying to say.  I don't have any wish of placing my own comfort above that of anyone elses.  I too am hurt and feel compassion for the situation DS finds herself in. It is an awful situation.  And perhaps I didn't communicate my compassion clearly or effectively enough.  But I do feel it.  And I wish the best for this family. 



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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2007, 07:24:11 AM »
I think it's OK for Sun to have a nutsey experience with any religion and share it, esp under these circumstances.

I think it's OK for Poppy to have a wonderful experience with any religioun and share it.... just like she did.

It's not slander to share experiences..... just too bad that LDS has it's troubles, like the rest of the world.




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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2007, 07:53:29 AM »
Couldn't agree more and sensitivity is just right, and I think we'll do fine with it. We're treaded those waters gingerly (and sometimes not so gingerly but never attacking individuals for their faith or lack thereof) before and done really well. In fact, this board offers me hope for the world, in microcosm, because of the respect we normally have shown.

Couldn't agree more with you too Lighter...freedom to vent/discuss voicelessness from any source, individual or institutional, would be appropriate here too.

(Not on this thread, necessarily...but when anybody needs to start one.)

Thanks, guys! (((((Poppy, Lighter))))


Now back to you Ms. DIVINE SUNSHINE...I sure see a lot of light flooding into your life!  :D :D :D
I guess N's "MYSpace" includes a new space for him to think about, that's just a little smaller than The Entire Universe, and has bars and a door that locks.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2007, 09:17:44 AM »
((( Sunny )))

Well done for making a good stand of what is right and reasonable in any universal court of law.

If I were you then I would personally save a copy of that website onto PC ........ which is actually what I did do.

Have sent you a PM with details of how to Save that website as it may not be wise for your wellbeing if I post it on this thread.

Love to you.

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2007, 09:05:48 PM »

I was just reading that many employers, even insurers  and lenders are looking at MySpace and evaluating prospective employees, etc negatively when they have wacky pages there! Please hang in there- you are going step by step through the process- someday it will all be a fuzzy memory. ((((Sunny))))


« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 09:52:19 PM by changing »


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2007, 09:41:44 PM »
I hear you, Joy.
I know that was part of it.


I sure wouldn't want anybody mocking my sacred symbols.
Well, I don't have any personally that are similar, but I do her you.
And I do know what they represent in the faith. It's a very
intimae, holy symbol.

Thanks again for the reminder.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2007, 01:11:53 PM »
To all who have added their ideas to this converstation, I say Thank you.  And to SJoy, you who had the wherewithall to re-register and express to others the lack of being understood and heard that I felt myself and to comment with such courage and kindness, I thank you especially.

Hops,  I think you get me.

CB, I appreciate you elaborative perspective.

Lighter,  Sweetie, I agree with you.  But your comments were not sensitive.  Can you understand that on the other side of your statements sit the faces of real people....and in this case, the person on the otherside of your conversation was poppyseed who is and will be, your friend.

We, who have been hurt on and in so many levels of who we are and what we are......we who have been lonely and friendless and besmirched and in some cases slandered.....have a choice.  Our pain, if we allow it, can make us many things.  But I hope in the end after the anger and fear passes, that we choose to become more loving, to ourselves and others and in the very processes that help us heal.  

And in this case, where the subject was religion, I hope we all go away from it with a greater appreciation of faith and all of its forms and expressions.....whether we express it on the inside or out, in our clothing, our jewelry, our headdresses or adorn it on the front of our doorways.  In the end, my friends, it is easy to find fault.   Anybody can do it.  I am sure that any of you could find my wouldn't take much effort.  But, my friends wouldn't make fun of me.  Ever.  In any circumstance.

So, the next time comments are made, think about it first.  Because you may be talking about someone who is your friend........or someone who could be someday.

Much love to all.


PS.  For the sake of clarification......I go to the temple frequently.  I never pay to get in.  The cost of certain item is there to cover the cost of manufacturing and in some cases laundry fees.  It is no different than making a purchase for a crucifix or any other such item.

PSS.  You wouldn't be scoffing at the wheat in my basement, if you sitting my living room eating a hot, buttered slice of my homemade bread!! (wink! xxoo)

« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 04:42:55 PM by voicel2 »


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2007, 01:15:14 PM »
Hi again-

OK---I said I would not post here again, and this is it.  However, I did want to just say that I am still and will always be embarrassed by my little "rant" on this thread.  And I still apologize to those who were uncomfortable and offended.  

With that said, I think CB has a good point about my words being used against me in other forums, and I have considered "pulling" this thread, but I think I have opted against it for the reason that I think the conversations that have taken place as a result have been very healthy and that is good to see on a board of any kind.  Or in the world---period.  I don't really think I have the right to "pull" the brilliance of all who have posted and shared feelings and different viewpoints and a willingness to listen to others and share as adults.  So as far as I am concerned this stuff stays as long as it stays " healthy."  And who am I to judge what is healthy or not anyway, I suppose.   Hopefully it finds its way to page 10 soon, but ...... :oops:

I will risk the damage on this thread for this cause only.  I may not be thinking right, but I think it is for the greater good here.  I just know to have some taste next time, if there is a next time, if I vent in regards to the hand my religion has played in my voicelessness and abuse.  My comments were crass and rude, and I prefer a more dignified approach in my life.  That is my "note to self", here------so I will carry on a wiser cyber-poster and wish EVERYONE peace and happiness!  Thanks for the support through ALL of this, ALL OF YOU!!!




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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2007, 01:42:19 PM »
If this thread, in anyway, puts Sunny in any jepardy, I support pulling it.  I intended to mention it before.  But forgot because I was in a hurry.  Or perhaps some of the earlier posts could be removed.  I would appreciate that at least.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 04:44:23 PM by voicel2 »


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2007, 01:59:05 PM »
Sorry.  Just one more comment.  Sunny has apologized graciously.  And I have accepted that apology.  And give any apology in return for any missteps I have made.  I have no desire to embarrass her further.  If the conversation needs to discuss the way we talk about certain aspects our varied culture and how we can weave that into our healing discussions, then by all means, lets start another general thread.  But, from my perspective and needs, the matter can be closed if that would make Sunny or anyone else more confortable.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 04:45:11 PM by voicel2 »


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Re: My NH has started a MYSpace page to smear me and get to kids emotionally
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2007, 07:26:48 AM »
I dunno..... I think this thread was about ranting and feeling better for you, Sun. 

If you were oppressed by a group of people..... I'm not happy about that.... even if I belong to it.


especially IF I belong to it.

Poppy..... I finally wrapped my mind around what was bugging me about the turn this thread took.

I feel like the cold finger of the LDS reached out and put Sun in her place...... and I don't think you had any intention of doing that, dona't get me wrong.

Our Poppy wouldn't do that, I know.

If Sun's had a negative experience with a religious group, she should be able to voice it here, gentle mocking included, and that's just my opinion.  I didn't see any hate crimes committed on this thread.  You'll let me know if I missed it.

 I'm especially disturbed by the inferences that Sun,ll be punished, in court, for this thread. 

Mainly bc it's possible.....

LDS Judges harming women and children over something like this.... runs a bit deeper than 'wrong.'

Let's face it..... harming women and children anywhere should be frowned on...... though people do it and make excuses for it all the time.