To all who have added their ideas to this converstation, I say Thank you. And to SJoy, you who had the wherewithall to re-register and express to others the lack of being understood and heard that I felt myself and to comment with such courage and kindness, I thank you especially.
Hops, I think you get me.
CB, I appreciate you elaborative perspective.
Lighter, Sweetie, I agree with you. But your comments were not sensitive. Can you understand that on the other side of your statements sit the faces of real people....and in this case, the person on the otherside of your conversation was poppyseed who is and will be, your friend.
We, who have been hurt on and in so many levels of who we are and what we are......we who have been lonely and friendless and besmirched and in some cases slandered.....have a choice. Our pain, if we allow it, can make us many things. But I hope in the end after the anger and fear passes, that we choose to become more loving, to ourselves and others and in the very processes that help us heal.
And in this case, where the subject was religion, I hope we all go away from it with a greater appreciation of faith and all of its forms and expressions.....whether we express it on the inside or out, in our clothing, our jewelry, our headdresses or adorn it on the front of our doorways. In the end, my friends, it is easy to find fault. Anybody can do it. I am sure that any of you could find my wouldn't take much effort. But, my friends wouldn't make fun of me. Ever. In any circumstance.
So, the next time comments are made, think about it first. Because you may be talking about someone who is your friend........or someone who could be someday.
Much love to all.
PS. For the sake of clarification......I go to the temple frequently. I never pay to get in. The cost of certain item is there to cover the cost of manufacturing and in some cases laundry fees. It is no different than making a purchase for a crucifix or any other such item.
PSS. You wouldn't be scoffing at the wheat in my basement, if you sitting my living room eating a hot, buttered slice of my homemade bread!! (wink! xxoo)