Author Topic: Questions... I'd appreciate your input  (Read 1340 times)


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Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« on: November 11, 2007, 02:58:36 PM »

You may choose more than one answer per question, indicate answer by making bold or changing color seems easy enough.  You may add explanations if you care to.  I'm interested in any and all answers.  Thanks for taking the time to think about this: )  Lighter

How many of you would avail yourselves to a class or classes teaching:

1.  Verbal Self Defense

2.  Physical Self Defense

3.  Emotional Self Defense, being proactive and avoiding conflict to include how to implement plans for making home and children safe

4.  Some weapons training ie carrying, learning to deploy and utilize pepper spray effectively along with knowledge how to use canister as blunt instrument weapon

5.  All of the above

6.  Some combination of above with the weapons training

7.  Some combination of above without weapons training

8.  I don't want to think about the above, much less face the reality that it might happen

Where would you feel most comfortable taking these classes?

1.  At a gym

2.  At a woman's gym

3.  At someone's home

4.  State Classes held at a Library or College facility

5.  At a Martial Arts Academy bc I would like to attend or am attending

6.  At a Yoga Studio bc I already attend or am interested in attending

I wouldn't be interested in any of the classes because:

1.  The skills are perishable and it would be a waste without consistent practice, which I'm not willing to do

2.  I don't want to change.... I'm comfortable the way I am

3.  I know I don't have the energy to make that kind of plan and follow through though I'd like to know more about these things

4.  I don't care about defending myself.... if someone wants to do me harm... I'd rather let them than learn to hurt someone or defend myself (I've actually heard one woman say this out loud, when questioned about it, yes she was a victim of childhood abuse)

5.  I don't have the energy or will to do something like this but I'd like to have the knowledge

6.  I don't have the financial resources to attend a class like that but would if it was available for free

If I was interested enough to seek out a class like this or avail myself to one in my area:

1.  I'd prefer it be in a class of 5 to 10 women, but no more bc I don't want to get lost in the crowd

2.  I'd prefer it be in a very large class, 50 or more people, so I can just dissapear and not feel like anyone's focusing on me

3.  I'd prefer it to be in a group, size doesn't matter

If I attended these classes, my goal would be:

1.  Learn a few skills very well and be able to execute them when I walk out the door

2.  Be exposed to possibilities so I have a better idea of what's available and what my options are

3.  Learn a little about a lot of things...... just so I can understand what I'm up against.... mastering something wouldn't be important to me

4.  Learn what happens to me when I'm thrown into a conflict, physiolocically, so I can be better prepared for it, if nothing else

5.  Learn to think ahead and get into habit of making mindful choices, in and outside of my safety zones, so that I likely never have to deal with a confrontation

6. Learn more about all of the above bc I have no idea what I'd do case of an emergency or attack

If I took part in any training.... it would be to:

1. Make this type of training part of my weekly routine bc I think it would help me get into shape while training skills I would like to own

2. Hit one or two classes just to broaden my horizons

3.  Get out of the house and socialize with other adults

4.  Figure out what my best options are, for self protection, just in case, and feel relatively confident that I could do whatever it takes to survive

If I attended one or more of these classes, I would prefer that they be:

1.  Full of information, but not much physical contact

2.  Full of information and physical contact so I can see how the information can be implemented, I want to hit and kick something hard so I understand what I can do

3.  All information given on the matts.... skills practiced on me then I practice the skills at a fairly high energy level

4.  Fast moving, high energy physical contact that gives me a good understanding of the kind of energy I'd likely have to respond with, if I had to defend myself

5.  Full contact scenario where the final hour of class was spent deflecting padded attacker using intense force on me, to include deployment of pepper spray trainer

6.  Full contact scenario with padded attacker sans pepper spray trainer deployment

7.  High conflict real life scenario, the more contact and agression training, the better.... I don't have much time so what I do I want to get full benefit from time spent.

8.  I already have some working knowledge so I'd like it to be a realistic training session.  Walking out happily bruised and full of useful information, about what I can and can't do in real life, would be worth my time.

Thanks for participating folks: )


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Re: Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 05:55:07 PM »
Set it up on Survey Monkey and I'll take it, Lighter!
Or is that what I mean...
I'm technologically challenged.

Are you thinking of taking or teaching self-defense for women?
Superb idea!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 06:43:01 AM »

I'm involved in a project now that's being sponsored by the Attorney General, who's a very avid women's right's advocate.... hates DV with a passion.  He saw it second hand in his community and is attempting to make some change. 

I'm sure he's a very frustrated man.

This class is for Policitians wives and families in hopes that the program will be extended Statewide, then over a 4 State area.  I have a meeting to Tues to discuss the program's content.  Thanks for all your input.  ::Blowing raspberry::

You may choose more than one answer per question, indicate answer by making bold or changing color seems easy enough.  You may add explanations if you care to.  I'm interested in any and all answers.  Thanks for taking the time to think about this: )  Lighter

How many of you would avail yourselves to a class or classes teaching:

1.  Verbal Self Defense

2.  Physical Self Defense

3.  Emotional Self Defense, being proactive and avoiding conflict to include how to implement plans for making home and children safe

4.  Some weapons training ie carrying, learning to deploy and utilize pepper spray effectively along with knowledge how to use canister as blunt instrument weapon

5.  All of the above

6.  Some combination of above with the weapons training

7.  Some combination of above without weapons training

8.  I don't want to think about the above, much less face the reality that it might happen

9.  I wouldn't get up off my fanny to change the tv without a remote.... why would I consider educating myself on this stuff?

Where would you feel most comfortable taking these classes?

1.  At a gym

2.  At a woman's gym

3.  At someone's home

4.  State Classes held at a Library or College facility

5.  At a Martial Arts Academy bc I would like to attend or am attending

6.  If it's taught in my own livingroom, that's still not convenient enough

6.  At a Yoga Studio bc I already attend or am interested in attendingI wouldn't be interested in any of the classes because:

1.  The skills are perishable and it would be a waste without consistent practice, which I'm not willing to do

2.  I don't want to change.... I'm comfortable the way I am

3.  I know I don't have the energy to make that kind of plan and follow through though I'd like to know more about these things
4.  I don't care about defending myself.... if someone wants to do me harm... I'd rather let them than learn to hurt someone or defend myself (I've actually heard one woman say this out loud, when questioned about it, yes she was a victim of childhood abuse)

5.  I don't have the energy or will to do something like this but I'd like to have the knowledge

6.  I don't have the financial resources to attend a class like that but would if it was available for free

7.  I'm like the cops... I'd rather eat a bug, and a whole bag of Frito's, than attend a class with realisitic skills that would help me in concrete ways throughout my life

If I was interested enough to seek out a class like this or avail myself to one in my area:

1.  I'd prefer it be in a class of 5 to 10 women, but no more bc I don't want to get lost in the crowd

2.  I'd prefer it be in a very large class, 50 or more people, so I can just dissapear and not feel like anyone's focusing on me

3.  I'd prefer it to be in a group, size doesn't matter

4.  I'm too lazy to answer these questions, there isn't a chance in hell I'd get off my ass to go to any sized class on anything

If I attended these classes, my goal would be:

1.  Learn a few skills very well and be able to execute them when I walk out the door

2.  Be exposed to possibilities so I have a better idea of what's available and what my options are

3.  Learn a little about a lot of things...... just so I can understand what I'm up against.... mastering something wouldn't be important to me

4.  Learn what happens to me when I'm thrown into a conflict, physiolocically, so I can be better prepared for it, if nothing else

5.  Learn to think ahead and get into habit of making mindful choices, in and outside of my safety zones, so that I likely never have to deal with a confrontation

6. Learn more about all of the above bc I have no idea what I'd do case of an emergency or attack

7.  Be fearful about hitting something really hard and fail to make one decent fist the entire day long class.

If I took part in any training.... it would be to:

1. Make this type of training part of my weekly routine bc I think it would help me get into shape while training skills I would like to own
2. Hit one or two classes just to broaden my horizons

3.  Get out of the house and socialize with other adults

4.  Figure out what my best options are, for self protection, just in case, and feel relatively confident that I could do whatever it takes to survive

5.  There's no hope I'd ever take a class like this so don't spin your wheels

If I attended one or more of these classes, I would prefer that they be:

1.  Full of information, but not much physical contact

2.  Full of information and physical contact so I can see how the information can be implemented, I want to hit and kick something hard so I understand what I can do

3.  All information given on the matts.... skills practiced on me then I practice the skills at a fairly high energy level

4.  Fast moving, high energy physical contact that gives me a good understanding of the kind of energy I'd likely have to respond with, if I had to defend myself

5.  Full contact scenario where the final hour of class was spent deflecting padded attacker using intense force on me, to include deployment of pepper spray trainer

6.  Full contact scenario with padded attacker sans pepper spray trainer deployment

7.  High conflict real life scenario, the more contact and agression training, the better.... I don't have much time so what I do I want to get full benefit from time spent.

8.  I already have some working knowledge so I'd like it to be a realistic training session.  Walking out happily bruised and full of useful information, about what I can and can't do in real life, would be worth my time.

9.  We're so NOT interested in this kind of information we didn't take the time to read it or change the color of ONE answer, lol.

Hops guest

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Re: Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 01:08:13 PM »
How many of you would avail yourselves to a class or classes teaching:

1.  Verbal Self Defense

2.  Physical Self Defense

3.  Emotional Self Defense, being proactive and avoiding conflict to include how to implement plans for making home and children safe

4.  Some weapons training ie carrying, learning to deploy and utilize pepper spray effectively along with knowledge how to use canister as blunt instrument weapon

5.  All of the above

6.  Some combination of above with the weapons training

7.  Some combination of above without weapons training

8.  I don't want to think about the above, much less face the reality that it might happen

Where would you feel most comfortable taking these classes?

1.  At a gym

2.  At a woman's gym

3.  At someone's home

4.  State Classes held at a Library or College facility

5.  At a Martial Arts Academy bc I would like to attend or am attending

6.  At a Yoga Studio bc I already attend or am interested in attending

I wouldn't be interested in any of the classes because:

1.  The skills are perishable and it would be a waste without consistent practice, which I'm not willing to do

2.  I don't want to change.... I'm comfortable the way I am

3.  I know I don't have the energy to make that kind of plan and follow through though I'd like to know more about these things

4.  I don't care about defending myself.... if someone wants to do me harm... I'd rather let them than learn to hurt someone or defend myself (I've actually heard one woman say this out loud, when questioned about it, yes she was a victim of childhood abuse)

5.  I don't have the energy or will to do something like this but I'd like to have the knowledge

6.  I don't have the financial resources to attend a class like that but would if it was available for free

If I was interested enough to seek out a class like this or avail myself to one in my area:

1.  I'd prefer it be in a class of 5 to 10 women, but no more bc I don't want to get lost in the crowd

2.  I'd prefer it be in a very large class, 50 or more people, so I can just dissapear and not feel like anyone's focusing on me

3.  I'd prefer it to be in a group, size doesn't matter

If I attended these classes, my goal would be:

1.  Learn a few skills very well and be able to execute them when I walk out the door

2.  Be exposed to possibilities so I have a better idea of what's available and what my options are

3.  Learn a little about a lot of things...... just so I can understand what I'm up against.... mastering something wouldn't be important to me

4.  Learn what happens to me when I'm thrown into a conflict, physiolocically, so I can be better prepared for it, if nothing else

5.  Learn to think ahead and get into habit of making mindful choices, in and outside of my safety zones, so that I likely never have to deal with a confrontation

6. Learn more about all of the above bc I have no idea what I'd do case of an emergency or attack

If I took part in any training.... it would be to:

1. Make this type of training part of my weekly routine bc I think it would help me get into shape while training skills I would like to own

2. Hit one or two classes just to broaden my horizons

3.  Get out of the house and socialize with other adults

4.  Figure out what my best options are, for self protection, just in case, and feel relatively confident that I could do whatever it takes to survive

If I attended one or more of these classes, I would prefer that they be:

1.  Full of information, but not much physical contact

2.  Full of information and physical contact so I can see how the information can be implemented, I want to hit and kick something hard so I understand what I can do

3.  All information given on the matts.... skills practiced on me then I practice the skills at a fairly high energy level

4.  Fast moving, high energy physical contact that gives me a good understanding of the kind of energy I'd likely have to respond with, if I had to defend myself

5.  Full contact scenario where the final hour of class was spent deflecting padded attacker using intense force on me, to include deployment of pepper spray trainer

6.  Full contact scenario with padded attacker sans pepper spray trainer deployment

7.  High conflict real life scenario, the more contact and agression training, the better.... I don't have much time so what I do I want to get full benefit from time spent. --I WOULD NEED TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO DO IT W/O INJURING MY BACK

8.  I already have some working knowledge so I'd like it to be a realistic training session.  Walking out happily bruised and full of useful information, about what I can and can't do in real life, would be worth my time.


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Re: Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2007, 01:46:56 PM »
Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Your repsonses help me stay focused on the changes I want to make to the program.

I've consistently wanted to teach fewer teqniques and help the students feel they've mastered something.

We always cover so much ground.... it's just too much.

Thanks again: )


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Re: Questions... I'd appreciate your input
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 03:37:31 PM »
I'm going to sit down and make a short list of information I'd like to include.

Thanks for that input Shunned.

This is so exciting for me: )