Dear Danny,
You sound very sweet.I feel a little strange just writing s/thing "right here"-----like a bug under a microscope. I would say to just look at the Members Stories and try to find commonalities.
The people who have lived with N's are all individuals ,but have many commonalities from trying to "survive" an outlandish environment.
That would be my suggestion-----try to read the stories and pull out the similarities, friend. N is an interesting topic. A revelation that I am having ( and I am just now seeing this) is that the N is just like any of us when we were at an early stage of development---selfish, jealous, wanting to show off, wanting to be "first", saying,"Look at me" as you see a little kid doing. However, with non N people, they developed other parts of their personality which allowed for consideration, ability to be "second" or third", empathy, ability to be kind even if you didn't "feel" like it etc. I guess that you could call this the "higher nature". The N's did not develop this ,so you are dealing with a "child' in an adult body.
You can imagine how it would be when the N HAS a child----sigh.
Danny, I hope that you find the information that you need and write a great paper. Warmly Ami