An N mother, I expect, has the ability to cause her children to have their own mental disabilities, but did she give you CP, MS, quadra-tetra-paraplegia, spina bifida, were you a thalidomide baby? Where are the scars on most of these and many other disabilities. I have a scar on my back from my shoulders blades down approx 18" with rods nuts and bolts and clamps that held me together.
Well that is certainly a different perspective. Yes, you lost a part of yourself that you will never get back.
I can only speak for us, N mothered disabled people, that we lost our soul and ourselves and our genuine childhood, yes we can reclaim our selves and our souls and then we can help others and love more deeply.
Throughout my healing journey I have often felt dissabled, depressed, unable to get our of bed, socially disabled, unable to connect with others, and emotionally disabled. Yes, we who have been wounded are dissabled in a different way. I do not think that to say "having an N mother is an over simplification." I wanted to jump off a bridge once...feeling disabled because of our lack of love as children is not an over simplification.
Izzy - I DO see your perspective and I value it!!!!