Hi all
Today i got a copy of my lab results for my thyroid test. I took them to my chiro who does research on this stuff and stays up to date with the latest discoveries. he said he thinks I may have Hashimotos syndrome, but to go to my endocrinologist, which is what my doc recommended. Then, I took my lab papers to the bioidentical hormone specialists and they agreed with my chiro.
At this point, I've got an appt with the endocrinologist on Dec 5. I will be asking him to do a T-3 test to make sure that my thyroid is using the hormone I take. The docs DO NOT ROUTINELY TEST T-3. If the endo will not test me, there is a test I can buy for about $100. It's a saliva/blood test. I will do that and find out myself what is going on.
If I don't get put on any other type of med or supplement, I will be using natural supplements for this.
I am very concerned right now about my health. Please...pray, give advice, whatever...it's all appreciated.