Thank you all for your words of love & encourgement. I try to sit w/ my emotions & just feel, I journal a lot & yet I still feel numb. I wrack my brain to think of the bad times, the little things are the hardest to put my finger on....I come up empty & just remembering the fun we had together. I feel guilty for not being a good catholic & being by my husband's side, esp. w/ Advent coming.And the message that I'm no better, plays over & over. I wish I could shut my mind off....stop all the chatter. I woke up @ 2:10 am....couldn't breathe, sweating (I know it's not menopause- have those symptoms under control for a long time)....couldn't get back to sleep til 5. One thing that's really bugging me, is that this is the 1st time I've ever been married. I waited til my late 40's to say my vows b/c I wanted to be sure that the man I wed, I would be w/ for life. I had the perfect Catholic ceremony, mass & all...said my vows before God & meant them. My priest happens to also be a psychologist. I've emailed him, told him my situation & still he insists on working w/ my H. He wants me to wait & not make hasty decisions. I wish I could hate my H....would be so much easier; but I don't. Instead, I feel badly for him; that it wasn't his fault for having a bad childhood. I go to counceling ea. wk. & I haven't been able to access my deep emotions yet. I force myself to look for them & wind up numb & confused. It's like my head knows one thing & my heart feels the opposite. An internal battle, I can't seem to win. Does that make sense? Lighter...when you say "buck me up" reminds me of my mom; she's British & said it a lot.Thanx for that.It's definetely a roller coaster but not an enjoyable ride. I used to pull back, listen to the words H used & how he said them. Many times, I'd pull the reciever from my ear, look at it & ask "Who am I talking to?" Lately, it's not like that...I can't wait to hear his voice or look for his emails...I feel like i'm going nuts. Thank you again for all of your kind words. Safe