Dear ((((( Safe )))))
Personally, I truly understand, as I found the run up to Christmas to be a most difficult and painful time; as I was in a strange place and all alone for the very first time in my life; after having left a refuge and found a flat, with divorce proceedings in place. And admittedly, there were moments that I actually romanticized and thought of going back, as preference to the feeling of shock emptiness that was mine, at that time.
Separation and loss is like grief. Separation and loss from your H, from people who mixed with, from your church, everything that was a day to day normality.
My heart truly reaches out to you, as you have more pain that i had to endure, as you also have the anniversaries of your dear ones, your mother and your brother, at this time.
Dwelling on your life with H in this way is absolutely normal, as was explained to me at the time.
Oddly enough, my now exH took my church from me also!! And it was most angst bearing at the time as he had not wanted to set foot in there previously! Honestly. Apparently, that is not an unusual angle either, something else I learned.
You will walk through this; walk into the light from all this darkness, believe me, I did, though at the time, I never thought I would.
Keep writing it all out as you feel led and comfortable, Safe.
Gentle thoughts of you.
With sincere empathy,
Love and a Hug,