Hi Izzy,
If it's any consolation, I don't like mobile phones either.
My phone is 4 years old now, and considered old fashioned

yes! because it has no video facility, only a digital camera. But to date, the lack of video facility has not hindered my life in any way

The picture you have displayed looks like my mobile phone (Sharp) yet can it be, if mine is 4 years old?? I ask myself.
Just enlarged the picture of your phone and the layout looks the same as mine.
Are you trying to enter the telephone numbers into your Phonebook ??
If so, on mine; press the button in the centre of the arrow keys, then click on the up arrow button until Call Manager appears,
press central button, and then select Phonebook by clicking on central button, then Add New Name by clicking on central button,
then select SIM card to write to the card, by clicking on central button, enter Name of person, then click on central button, then enter phone number, click on central button, add to group i.e. home or office, by clicking on central button, till finally, you can SAVE by clicking on the Red phone button.
Hope that is of some use for you Izzy, if not, happily delete

Love, Leah