Hi Bella,
Have you ever gone the "natural antidepressant" route?
I can suggest SAMe.
I've really noticed a difference.
That plus Dr. Schulz's green stuff that Ami recommended.
And I hear fish oil is antidepressant.
If you did all 3, it might be easy to get off the SSRI.
An SAD light is another non-drug option, and not illusory.
You feel it instantly.
Dear Hops, I had a kind of revelation, 8 years ago now, that `the problem' was my triggers.
I never aspired to using meds, (or anything else, for that matter), to help me along. But I did a lot of reading and I wondered how it would be, to live without the wrong sort of pain? Trying out meds showed me that you can't shut down the dysfunctional triggers, without shutting the good ones down as well. But how awesome it was, to learn that first hand!
I read a lot of good things about SAME. It sounded great, but we only have the homeopathic version here in OZ. Its weak and expensive, and does almost nothing that I can detect. I tried saint Johns Wart too, but I got nightmares, lol. If i lived in the US, I would try DHEA and excercise together. DHEA sounds like something very special, but its illegal here in Australia.
X Bella