[responding to Tupp's description of racist behavior rising in the U.K.]
It's scary but if there's an optimistic way of looking at it, once seen it can't be unseen. I have been finding hope for the future in the fact that the glossing-over, the being civil-with-a-smile but legislating racist policies, is not going to fly any more. And the ANTI-racism protests exploding all over the world are a wonderful thing. "Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”--Martin Luther King
The "long" part is the hard part. But hope is in the bending. Civil unrest is scary always, and violence or looting never right....but the violent are the minority, imo.
Racism is exposed for its reality by the latest filmed police brutality exposing it to the world. And by smug white broadcasters saying outrageous things to black colleagues. The price paid is discomfort among those who can't choke out the phrase "white privilege" and who must squirm with the uncomfortable truth of what this country was built on and certainly in the U.S., that it's not fixed. Factors are different in the U.K., but it was abolitionist long before the U.S. The chances of reflection and change everywhere are increased by the painful exposure of how virulent racism is, I think.
And how STUPID it is, to be tribal based on skin color. The entire world and civilization are dragged down by that idiotic human trait...to blame the "other" rather than lift up everyone. And that who we vote for is like getting or fighting vaccines.
Still, I genuinely think that despite these scary and sad times with racist pustules blowing open everywhere (and amplified daily by technology that makes them immediate)....I think the trend is in the right direction. (Reminds me of the turning point in the Viet Nam war, the first time we watched war nightly on TV.)
We can't un-see what our own eyes have seen, or un-hear what our own ears have heard. As for civilization, my hope is that once naked, any emperor will be seen clearly. In this country, our emperor has been seen by the sane as a naked baby for quite a while (thank you, Brits, for the balloon!)
hugs and hope,