Hi Lise,
Thank you for that link, it was very powerful to me
you can never be truly healed if you try to force someone else to pay for the cost of your healing
I know this is true, however, it's so hard for me to stop thinking revenge thoughts! I know too, however, that I am no better than my abusers as long as I'm thinking revenge thoughts. That is the hardest thing to admit - that we are the same - simply human
I will check out your Anger thread.
thanks again
Reading this brought tears to my eyes Bean - because I sometimes feel so alone in my angry thoughts. Anger is just not fun. Hearing that you struggle some too helps to quiet the voice that silently yells "shame on you."
Just the other day I was feeling and thinking a vengeful thought...the funny thing is that my vengeful thoughts are so nothing...I mean I have fantasies about the next time I see my old spiritual director and I think...I'll just shun them because that is what hurts me the most. At least my vengeful thoughts are relatively harmless, however shunning someone out of anger can hurt them but avoiding someone to protect myself is OK.
The day when I am wishing peace and love to others who have hurt me is the day that I know I have truly forgiven them.
So what are my motives...that is always my objective to ask myself...to hurt, we can hurt people so blindly, it is really up to the healing process for me to get free of anger.
The other day I saying to myself "when, Lise, when are you going to forgive them...come on," beating myself up -- and then I it came to me --
the heart moves slower than the mind...I still have pain to heal and tears to cry. All the while I will keep asking God for forgiveness.
Thanks Bean for your support!