Author Topic: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...  (Read 2851 times)


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just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« on: November 24, 2007, 12:47:19 AM »
I want all of you to know that I did NOT invite Isabella nor any of the other recent unfamiliar people to this board.

There are 2 people that I have as friends, that occasionally browse/post to the board.  They have asked to remain anonymous unless they choose to reveal their own identities.  In the past, one of them frequented the board, but, due to various reasons, senses that she is not to be here very much anymore.

I do not have friends in my 'circle' who would come on here and talk "down" to me or shame me as you've seen as of late.  I have very healthy boundaries which I keep intact with all the people I consider close enough to call "friend."

I'm not sure who the recent visitors here have been, but i can tell you that i surely did not invite them nor do I extend any sort of open welcome to the ones who have launched an attack on me due to anything I've shared of my feelings, thoughts, actions.

Consider this a type of DISCLAIMER if you will.



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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2007, 08:08:51 AM »
Gotcha, RM...sorry I jumped to that conclusion.

It was just so strange to have a stranger appear out of nowhere to yell at you.

How are you doing?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2007, 08:57:28 AM »
Dear Laura,
  I want to send some peace your way ,as I am sure that you could use it. I am sorry for all the family dissension.I am not dealing with the family pain that you are,but relationships(even good ones) hurt . That is what I am seeing now.
 I have a good relationship with my S's,but I was hurting yesterday b/c of just general "annoying each other"
 I had totally unrealistic expectations of family(Where could I have gotten that,I wonder)
  Then,life hurts.My Standard Poodle is not doing well (age 13). .
   I sure was not taught WHAT to expect from myself and from life.
  I am so sorry for all the pain, Laura. I pray that God touches you with peace.            Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2007, 09:22:20 AM »
Dear ((( Laura )))

Thinking of you, with sincerity.

Came across this information, quite by chance, today, and thought of you, and that it may be of interest to you.

Hypoadrenia (Adrenal Gland Fatigue)

This is what i learned from the lecture I attended, that it is the Adrenals that fatigue first, the Thyroid is a secondary symptom.

Instead of treating hypothyroidism, in fact, I had to go back one stage, and treat my Adrenal (stressed out) and Fatigue.  Which worked, for me.

But, I did not know the term, Hypoadrenia, until today.

Leave it with you, to consider or compost, as you feel led.

Love & Hugs,


The website is:

Also, my personal experience;  Natural Progesterone --- changed my health and my life! 

Take a look at 'Best Kept Secret' on the site - it is!
« Last Edit: November 24, 2007, 09:30:03 AM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2007, 09:57:35 AM »
There is a food which nouishes the adrenals. It is called  raw Maca powder. When I am stressed and take it---it feels like coffee w/out the bad effects.
  It is totally wonderful. It regulates all the hormones so is great for any hormonal issue.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2007, 10:09:38 AM »
Thanks Ami,

So, do you make it like coffee, i.e. as a hot drink?

Taking care of my Adrenals,

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2007, 11:34:39 AM »
I want all of you to know that I did NOT invite Isabella nor any of the other recent unfamiliar people to this board.

I do not have friends in my 'circle' who would come on here and talk "down" to me or shame me as you've seen as of late.  I have very healthy boundaries which I keep intact with all the people I consider close enough to call "friend."

I too would like to assure everyone on this board that i do not know reallyME....and i can certainly understand why she would not want me here because I am the only one who has presented her with an opposing viewpoint and have refused to tell her she is justified in having morbid - even VIOLENT thoughts towards her pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild.   I have noticed, reading other posts, from other people, that when they are having angry thoughts towards people, they are also overcome with a sense of REMORSE and GUILT....  But not you Laura!  You feel JUSTIFIED and VINDICATED.  This was a big RED FLAG to me as I have researched Narcissism for several years now. 

At least five of the following are necessary for a diagnosis of NPD. Upon reading your inflammatory post about your daughter I noticed several things which made the hair stand up on the back of my neck (outlined in RED):


2.Selfishness, though often well-concealed under a façade of consideration. - you only wanted to go to the ultrasound for yourself. You were not concerned about your daughter or the baby

3.Feelings of nervousness, emptiness, or irritation when not at the center of attention. - upset at not being invited to the u/s when others were

4.Expects constant “mirroring” from others, especially relationship partners; enraged, sarcastic and blaming when it isn’t forthcoming

5.Envious, especially toward the very people who offer desperately-needed narcissistic supplies like admiration, praise, or affection. Jealous of your future mother in law

6.Aggressiveness. Screaming, swearing, yelling at your daughter

7.Uneven perfectionism: must have total order in some areas of life while others are chaotic.

8. Prone to narcissistic wounding (ego injury); intolerant of certain kinds of criticism Attacking me for presenting an alterior viewpoint

9. Retaliatory tendencies; signs of narcissistic rage, whether suppressed or acted out. Wanting to "hurt" your daughter "badly", throw her out, "teach her a lesson" etc.

10. Abundant rational-seeming justifications for abusing those perceived to inflict such an injury. She deserves whatever she gets.

11. Largely or entirely guiltless about the harm done to others in revenge for such injuries  Oblivious/Don't care about the possible harm your actions will do to your unborn grandchild

12. Alternates between passivity and domination.

13. Under a fragile and inflated ego, disavowed emptiness, depression, sadness, and insignificance.

14. Resorts to manic counterphobic defenses against “negative” emotions (e.g., excessive busyness,escapism, “positive thinking” with a
compulsive edge to it).

15. Feels entitled to special considerations, whether actually earned or not.  Because you are the mother, you should be the FIRST to know, be at the u/s etc.

16.Paranoia, blaming, victim-thinking.  Obsessed with the thoughts your daughter does everything to "annoy you"

17. Tends to sexualize the need for narcissistic supplies; excessively seductive; shallow relationships. Paranoid about the relationship between your daughter and your husband. Blaming your daughter for your bad marriage.

18. Lack of empathy, though skilled at pretending to empathize and understand.  No concern that your daughter is in a fragile, hormonal pregnant state

19. Cold-eyed charm.

20. Fantasies of unlimited power, beauty, intelligence, wealth, fame, etc.

21. Arrogance, whether overt or covert; tends to be harshly judgmental of others.  Not one kind word about your grandchilds father, other set of grandparents or your daughter

22. Extremely manipulative; usually highly skilled at “pushing buttons” or redirecting criticism.  Refuse to address my points/concerns. Deflects critism to me (must be out to get you, a spy etc)

23. Controlling; lack of boundaries between self and others; often jealous and invasive.

24. Overly concerned with surface indicators of social importance (e.g., appearance, job title, possessions,status symbols)   Being at the ultrasound was of tantamount importance - how would it "look" if you were not invited

25. Either unwilling to enter therapy (for fear of ego puncture) or prone to turn psychological insights intorationalizations, intellectualizations, or more narcissistic fuel. There is "nothing wrong with you" - every else has the problem.

26. Unable to be objective or feel empathy when angry; has trouble separating thoughts from feelings.  Again, completely inappropriate rage towards your pregnant daughter - revenge fantasies

27. Splitting (the early defense of either loving or hating others with little or no in-between feelings),especially when “fed” or injured.  Your daughter is 100% wrong, you are 100% right. No in-between

28, Expects automatic compliance with his or her expectations. "I want to MAKE HER RESPECT ME!!!"

29. Unlimited and unrealistic sense of specialness.  Only you deserve to be at the ultrasound for all of the recitals, dr appointments, cleaning up vomit

30. Often responds to perceived hurts by defensive regression to a state of hostile, archaic grandiosityaccompanied by an elaborate show of strength, toughness, or independence.  Who needs her? I will kick her out. I will show her/ punish her. I don't need anybody. I'm special, wonderful, the best mother. I'll lpersevere despite my ingrate of a daughter.....etc. etc.

People who suffer from these indicators, symptoms, and strategies do not need to occupy leadershippositions that will amplify their narcissism. They need understanding and help and healing.



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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2007, 11:46:22 AM »
 You cannot heat it or cook it. You have to get RAW maca powder. It is a type of food like ginseng. You mix it in juice---apple tastes best.  It is so good that you would not believe it(good FOR you--not taste good)               Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2007, 11:48:20 AM »
Thank you ever so much, Ami

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Reply to Isabella (parts)
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2007, 02:00:29 PM »
Isabella, you are a bully and i can picture you standing there jumpin in circles saying "put em up put em up...let's go! you n me, outside NOW!"

So, for those here who are thinking "come on, Laura, stand up to her" and those thinking "Laura, we KNOW you, know your heart and know EXACTLY where things have been and are with your ND," and for those who are wishing I'd just drop it...(as ND just came and shot me in the head with a nerf gun) I go...being who I am with this bully person who does not know me and seriously is wanting attention.

BULLY ISABELLLA, FIRST OF ALL, I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU.  You cannot harm me from a message board, other than to irritate me with your incessant judgements based only on what I typed in at that moment.  You have no clue who my family is, who my daughter is, who I YOUR OWN ADMISSION.  You decided to target me and I'm not a "flight" person, but a FIGHT one, when it comes to speaking what I know is true.

You can agree or disagree with what I say from this point on, but no matter what you decide to hurl my way, you can NOT TAKE AWAY MY DIGNITY NOR MY IDENTITY.

Here is what you asked addressing of the issues you have put out (keep in mind that I've been studying NPD, BPD, AVPD, OCD, OCPD, SCHIZOPHRENIA, AND OTHER DISORDERS FOR A LONG LONG TIME)  I will not begin to label you with what I think your issue is as you so quickly labeled me.  I will say that you are a bully and your behavior is aimed at making me run, hide or feel ashamed.  Not working.  Back to topic at hand:

I too would like to assure everyone on this board that i do not know reallyME

If I can really believe that.  I have no proof that you are not one of the people from the past that had visited the board not too long ago.  I'll do my best to take you at your word and just assume that you are someone who has decided it is their position to "set me straight" and tell me how I feel, how I'm supposed to act, how my dialogue between my ND and i SHOULD go, and all those other boundary-crossing issues you've decided to exhibit.

....and i can certainly understand why she would not want me here because I am the only one who has presented her with an opposing viewpoint

It is obvious you haven't been on this board long at all, if you think nobody here, other than you has presented me with an opposing viewpoint.  the difference is, the regular board people ALLOW others to talk, trust, and grow, without trying to SHAME them into it.

and have refused to tell her she is justified in having morbid - even VIOLENT thoughts towards her pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild.

Actually, feelings are not anything more than just that...FEELINGS...same with THOUGHTS...i have a right to my feelings and my thoughts and a right to express them on a board that is for that purpose.


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2007, 02:03:10 PM »
  I have noticed, reading other posts, from other people, that when they are having angry thoughts towards people, they are also overcome with a sense of REMORSE and GUILT....  But not you Laura!  You feel JUSTIFIED and VINDICATED.

Amazes me how you can TELL ME HOW I FEEL.  Are you GOD?

At least five of the following are necessary for a diagnosis of NPD. Upon reading your inflammatory post about your daughter I noticed several things which made the hair stand up on the back of my neck (outlined in RED):

  Hmmm, with a husband that makes a very MEAGER income per week, my family has lived way below poverty level.  Not sure how "grandiose" that is.  We've had electric and gas and water shut off, gone without food at times, etc....did i have an attitude of grandiosity there?  don't know if, while my stomach was growling from hunger, that I had much of a mental ability to feel grandiose nor to fantasize.

2.Selfishness, though often well-concealed under a façade of consideration. - you only wanted to go to the ultrasound for yourself. You were not concerned about your daughter or the baby

Again, you think you know my thoughts or my concerns?  Give me a break.  You don't live inside my brain or my heart, whoever you are.  How do you know that i wasnt' concerned about my daughter or granddaughter.  My gosh already!

3.Feelings of nervousness, emptiness, or irritation when not at the center of attention. - upset at not being invited to the u/s when others were

Um, no...that came from being told by my daughter as a reassurance "aww don't worry mom, you won't be the only one that isn't there.  Only the baby's father will be there" and then hearing otherwise.  Empty feelings?  You're right about that.  I know my eldest daughter will have me there when she goes to her doc appts.  We have a closer and more positive relationship because of her forgiving my past mistakes.  Irritation?  Yeah, it's not nice to be lied to by your own child.  I've dealt with this behavior in her for years....saying one thing, doing the other and then acting like she has no clue what i'm talking about or saying she was only joking so she comes out as INNOCENT in the end.  Once again, Isabella, you have NO CLUE.

4.Expects constant “mirroring” from others, especially relationship partners; enraged, sarcastic and blaming when it isn’t forthcoming

nope, i'm definitely NOT a mirrorer.  I am very much an individual and have instilled that in my girls, to be their OWN person...but at times they have taken it to an extreme and believed they need NOBODY...not even GOD.


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2007, 02:05:04 PM »
5.Envious, especially toward the very people who offer desperately-needed narcissistic supplies like admiration, praise, or affection. Jealous of your future mother in law

Are you saying my daughter's future mother in law gives me n supplies?  my ND made SURE that her boyfriend's family thought i was saying all sorts of things against them that i never actually said.  Did i mention that my ND also told me that she was afraid to tell me she was pregnant because the reason she got that way was to get back at ME?  she admitted to having sex in order to PUNISH ME.  WHO has the issue here?

6.Aggressiveness. Screaming, swearing, yelling at your daughter

I rarely swear.  My entire family is loud, however, I am one who tries to steer clear of conflict, but tends to end up as the brunt of every joke and attack in my family.  If I say something, it's twisted or replied to in a nasty way.  If I stay quiet, I'm accused of distancing myself and not wanting to be part of the family.  No-win situation.  My yelling has gotten a lot more under control since I've been balancing my hormones through supplementation.

7.Uneven perfectionism: must have total order in some areas of life while others are chaotic.

Sorry, but you miss it on this one.  My husband and ND are the perfectionists.  They get mad at me cause I'm NOT one.  I like getting things done and enjoy the process, but they dont' have to be perfect.

8. Prone to narcissistic wounding (ego injury); intolerant of certain kinds of criticism Attacking me for presenting an alterior viewpoint

Attacking YOU?  you might want to go back and read all the "SHOULDS" and labeling you came at me with, Isabella.  i merely told you that you were WRONG and have addressed your bullying as what it is.

9. Retaliatory tendencies; signs of narcissistic rage, whether suppressed or acted out. Wanting to "hurt" your daughter "badly", throw her out, "teach her a lesson" etc.

I believe I said those were things I was FEELING.  Again, feelings are NEVER WRONG, and anyone on this board or anyone who has dealt with confronting controllers, will tell you that is one of our main beliefs...FEELINGS ARE JUST FEELINGS.  THEY ARE NOT RIGHT NOR WRONG.  THEY JUST ARE.  THEY ARE OK.  Throwing my daughter out was not to "teach her a lesson."  The police suggested that we consider it if ND will not follow the house rules.  That is well within our legal rights, as she is a legal adult, however, until she finishes high school, she still is our responsibility unless we emancipate her.  that is the law in IL.

10. Abundant rational-seeming justifications for abusing those perceived to inflict such an injury. She deserves whatever she gets.

Not hardly.  Nobody and I mean NOBODY DESERVES TO BE ABUSED!  I did not abuse her.  If anything, she has abused me, verbally, and, in the past, very much physically.  Did you not read the post about how she ripped her older sister's back open with a huge set of janitor's keys?  All because her sister stopped her from doing what she wanted....again, WHO was the one with the problem?

11. Largely or entirely guiltless about the harm done to others in revenge for such injuries  Oblivious/Don't care about the possible harm your actions will do to your unborn grandchild

Again, if you ask anyone on this list or any of the people I know and that know me, they will tell you that i am not a person who doesn't feel guilt.  I, however, am not a melancholy, as you might be...who sits for hours and hours, endlessly ruminating over my faults and mistakes.  I face them, repent and i accept God's forgiveness, and then i move on with my life.  I do not and will not walk in SHAME that you or any other human, flesh creature tries to put on me.  No human being is perfect on this planet, and God is a forgiving God...much moreso than the creatures He made at times.


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2007, 02:06:09 PM »
12. Alternates between passivity and domination.

I think everyone does this.  At times we are calm and at times we need to take charge in our lives.

13. Under a fragile and inflated ego, disavowed emptiness, depression, sadness, and insignificance.

oh I don't "disavow" anything IF I truly am experiencing it.  At times I do feel empty and in the past I have felt depressed and sad.  I have areas where I am significant and needed and, at times I've learned to accept that someone else is more suited for the job, position, situation.  It's part of maturing.

14. Resorts to manic counterphobic defenses against “negative” emotions (e.g., excessive busyness,escapism, “positive thinking” with a
compulsive edge to it).

Ok, I will admit that when I've faced rejection from a friend that left or deep sorrow at a loss, I have stayed super busy until I was able to face and deal with those feelings.  I am a positive thinker as far as having faith and hope in life, but I've also become a realist over the years, and I know that there are times that people cannot just "think" themselves into a situation.  I am not compulsive with being positive at all.  I'm positive when people are in positive frames of mind around me.  When I'm surrounded by negativity, I struggle with not becoming like that too.

15. Feels entitled to special considerations, whether actually earned or not.  Because you are the mother, you should be the FIRST to know, be at the u/s etc.

Hmmm well...entitled to be the first?  Not really the first...i would have been glad to be there WITH the baby's other grandmother.  I would have accepted just my daughter saying "mom, I know you wanted to be there, but this is special for just Robert and I."  That was not how she went about things, being that she is still determined that i should be "punished" for my past failures and perceived failures as her mother.  As far as feeling entitled for things in general that weren't, that's not me.

16.Paranoia, blaming, victim-thinking.  Obsessed with the thoughts your daughter does everything to "annoy you"

I can admit to being paranoid about my children's safety.  My family would tell you that I am.  that came from having a husband that let my girls do dangerous things years ago and telling them "don't tell know how she is"  (talking about riding on the tops of cars, speeding down roadways, rolling down grassy hills into side-streets while he cleaned inside the church).  Guilty of paranoia due to those things, yes.  Obsessed with thoughts that my daughter does EVERYTHING to "annoy" me?  Nope.  Not everything...just many things and then she ADMITS that was why she did them.

17. Tends to sexualize the need for narcissistic supplies; excessively seductive; shallow relationships. Paranoid about the relationship between your daughter and your husband. Blaming your daughter for your bad marriage.

ummmmmmmmm I don't have much interest in sex normally, due to hormonal issues.  It was a spiritual advisor who told me that there is "emotional incest" going on with my husband and daughter, because he has a closer relationship with her than he does with me.  Blaming ND for my bad marriage?  not at all.  Marriage is between my husband and I and I'm not bringing ND with us to our marriage counseling this coming weekend either.  She tries to butt in on every conversation that I try to have with my husband or he with me, feeling she has a right to a voice in our discussions.  That is not about my paranoia, that is about her learning her PLACE as the child, not as a spouse or second wife or mother.

18. Lack of empathy, though skilled at pretending to empathize and understand.  No concern that your daughter is in a fragile, hormonal pregnant state

Again, how do YOU know that I feel no concern over my ND's state.  Just because that was not what I shared, does not mean I don't feel that way.  STOP trying to tell everyone includng me, how I FEEL or what i'm thinking!  you are not my God, my brain, nor my conscience.

19. Cold-eyed charm.

that's my ND's specialty, although at times I will stare back at her to let her know she is NOT going to get to me.  Guilty of's called standing up to the bully.


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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2007, 02:09:37 PM »
22. Extremely manipulative; usually highly skilled at “pushing buttons” or redirecting criticism.  Refuse to address my points/concerns. Deflects critism to me (must be out to get you, a spy etc)

I'm adressing them now, but I am also being honest at my perceptions about all this.  Am I manipulative?  No.  I'm a "say what i mean and mean what I say" person.  A button pusher?  No, but others like to push mine.  Do I redirect criticism?  No.  If I'm guilty, I will TELL YOU I AM and deal with my issues.  If I'm NOT guilty, do not expect me to receive the blame or correction.
23. Controlling; lack of boundaries between self and others; often jealous and invasive.

I am very very very PRO-BOUNDARIES, if I know what they are and if they are realistic and not narcissistic.  Jealous?  Sometimes.  Invasive?  I have tried my best not to be.

24. Overly concerned with surface indicators of social importance (e.g., appearance, job title, possessions,status symbols)   Being at the ultrasound was of tantamount importance - how would it "look" if you were not invited

Ummmmmm no...again, anyone could tell you that I don't give a RIP what people think of me most of the time.  Being at the u/s had nothing to do with "how would it LOOK" had to do with wanting to be part of my daughters life, which any mother would want.  I am about as far from being a people-pleaser anymore as you can get.

25. Either unwilling to enter therapy (for fear of ego puncture) or prone to turn psychological insights intorationalizations, intellectualizations, or more narcissistic fuel. There is "nothing wrong with you" - every else has the problem.

I'm IN therapy actually, and yes, I do talk to my counseler about MY issues too.  Even during the time my husband and I went to marriage counseling, I addressed MY issues, he addressed HIS.  I have very little of a wrong type of EGO to be punctured, however, I am worthy of dignity and respect by my husband and other humans.

26. Unable to be objective or feel empathy when angry; has trouble separating thoughts from feelings.  Again, completely inappropriate rage towards your pregnant daughter - revenge fantasies

I had no "revenge fantasies" of hurting my daughter.  It was a fleeting thought which I handled by retreating to my room to pray.  I have no delusions nor psychoses like that.  Again, RAGE is a feeling and it is NOT inappropriate.  Feelings just ARE, PERIOD!  it's how I chose to deal with that feeling that matters.

27. Splitting (the early defense of either loving or hating others with little or no in-between feelings),especially when “fed” or injured.  Your daughter is 100% wrong, you are 100% right. No in-between

I love my daughter but I do NOT love being abused by her.  Neither of us is ever ALL WRONG nor ALL RIGHT in most situations, however, there are times that I do believe in ABSOLUTES.  If there are two people and one robs the bank but his brother decides not to, the robber is WRONG, the brother is NOT.  My ND is wrong when she insults me and I am NOT wrong for feeling upset at having been verbally abused.

28, Expects automatic compliance with his or her expectations. "I want to MAKE HER RESPECT ME!!!"

Yeah, i've felt like I WANTED TO MAKE her respect me.  It isn't a nice feeling when your child is acting ugly and they don't see it as such and decide to continue it, no matter the consequences.  It is a helpless, trapped feeling to be risen up against by a teen and find out that the law will NOT BACK YOU in disciplining them.  So, I have to have someone who hates me live with me and I have no way of showing her that hateful behavior will have consequences.  she KNOWS she wins at this point because I have no support, legally nor by my husband, in correcting her behavior against me.  So, you are right on this one...guilty of wishing I could MAKE HER BEHAVE.  I have admitted to having issues of wanting to "fix" people in the past.  You got this one on the nose!

29. Unlimited and unrealistic sense of specialness.  Only you deserve to be at the ultrasound for all of the recitals, dr appointments, cleaning up vomit

Now you are putting words in my mouth.  I did not say ONLY I deserve to be there.  I said I was angry that she did not have me, HER BIOLOGICAL mother there too.  I'm STILL angry about it and I'm ENTITLED to my own feelings which most of my friends also said they would feel.  It's a "slighting" thing and it was done vindictively on her part to PUNISH me once again for the past.

30. Often responds to perceived hurts by defensive regression to a state of hostile, archaic grandiosityaccompanied by an elaborate show of strength, toughness, or independence.  Who needs her? I will kick her out. I will show her/ punish her. I don't need anybody. I'm special, wonderful, the best mother. I'll lpersevere despite my ingrate of a daughter.....etc. etc.

Again, trying to put words in my mouth and thoughts in my head.  Those never were anything I considered.  i still want her to learn that it is NOT suddenly ok to rise up against her mother with her nasty mouth, just because she is 18 and soon to be a parent herself.  I never approved of her "playing house" with her boyfriend and I do not approve of her thinking she can talk to me however she chooses either.

People who suffer from these indicators, symptoms, and strategies do not need to occupy leadershippositions that will amplify their narcissism. They need understanding and help and healing.

If you think i am a narcissist, such as your own mother (your words not mine), maybe you could try to exemplify the above quote, instead of trying to tell me what I think or feel or SHOULD do.


Who was laughing?  What sort of help are you suggesting?  I think I'm already getting ample amounts of help.  I'm not a narcissist as far as getting counseling.  I took myself to the counselor, to support group, to research my own aren't offering anything that I'm not doing already, but i'm open to other info that you might have.

Thanks and I hope I addressed your concerns and you know more of where I'm coming from,



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Re: just to reassure anyone who was concerned...
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2007, 03:13:54 PM »

This is no comment on you personally whatsoever, but you sure seem to have bumped into a lot of vindictive, really weird people in your time.
Isn't there some way you could get the guys in the white coats at whatever institution they're in to cut off their internet priveledges?
