Dear Kelly, Beth, Amber, Lise and Lighter,
This is going to be really funny but I did not realize that I "expressed" myself in a dramatic way until a dear friend pointed it out to me. I thought,"WHY are people reacting so strongly?"
Then , my friend said that you sound like you are "jumping off a bridge.". The funniest thing of all was I I "consider " myself to be a "subdued" person.
I guess that it was like the talk show that I saw. An obviously angry guy was protesting how he never gets angry. Everybody started laughing.
I guess that my "real' voice is dramatic,but my "shut down " voice may not be. That may be why I was very surprised at the characterization of myself as "dramatic"
However, when I looked over all the threads, mine do "sick out" as "glaring(lol)
Well,I guess that the board is all about getting your true voice back with all it's aspects. Many of them have been squished down so long that we can't
even see them. However, a friend can.That is a big part of the board, too.
Thank you Amber for that validation. It truly touched me as a "warm fuzzy"
Thank you Kelly,I could feel your love.
Thanks Lighter from talking me down "from the rails"
Thank you Beth for seeing that there is peace after facing deep pain.
Thank you Lise for always being that" angel " . Thanks to my dear friend who PM'ed me. Love Ami
((((((((((((((Kelly, Beth,Lighter, Amber, Lise,)))))))))))))))))))