No, no not more than I bargained for, not in the least, but Night Mouse, when do you sleep?!
INTJ Eh? Pleased to meet you. I am (gasp) an INFP....and very much to the "withering daisy" end of the spectrum I think! I recall another post about INFP's being N's. At least a query... from you, non? Oh, mon dieu! (wrist to forehead) do you think it might be? I guess it's true that N's can beget N's. Certainly being raised by an N and alcoholic father created such self-doubt that it seems I monitored every breath I took, for fear of offending. I guess that's not N just F (fear)
Yes, just living opens up other parts of ourselves. Very interesting - you feel rejection acutely but don't get jealous. So these are not necessarily linked? Do you think that as people start resolve some of their stuff that the Meyers Briggs's results might change? Time to be retested! Maybe I'm morphing into an EGAD. Expressive, Girl, Angry, Determined! And clearly you are already REAL. Romantic, Expressive, Attractive (no mud fence!-LOL) and hmm, and, oh yes, Little!! Would like to say Liberated. Sounds like you are at least part way there... you think? Can't seem to stop horsing around. Becoming Silly. a real SEGAD.
LESS (Loose, Energized, Silly, Silly)