i just wanted to write about my Aunt. I talked to her yesterday and I learned so many things.
I asked her if she accepted her emotions. She said,"Yes, Ami dear, they are just human". She said that she feels her emotions and accepts that they are part of being "human"(all of them)
She has little insecurities ,but accepts herself.
I told her how I really almost "lost my mind" b/c I felt so guilty about "bad " emotions. She gave me the simplest most beautiful answer. She said,"Ami, that's silly."
She lost her H when she was young(50). She told me about dating a guy ,but then stopping b/c she didn't love him.She told me that she tries to live with integrity ,as much as she can. I felt like I was transported from the "crazy" land of N's in to a land where things made sense.
My Aunt was always a "dream" to me. She lived 10 minutes away(walking). She was in my mind as s/thing that I could aspire to. I felt like the 'little Match Girl" when I visited her house. There was so much love and warmth ,but I was on the outside.. I used to say that if I ever had kids,I would treat them like my Aunt treated her kids--with kindness. They were precious to her. I always had my Aunt in my mind as I was raising my kids.
I realize that after all these years, she was always a port in the storm for me ,emotionally.I always aspired to be like her and it kept me safe. Even though my M cloned me,it only went so far. My GM and aunt always were beacons.
I know that I would have never gone this low if my GM were alive. I got so bad b/c my emotional world became my M ,and then my H.
With my Aunt, things are simple. She was telling me about s/one. She said that the girl did not have enough 'self". My Aunt knows that you need" enough" self. It is not "bad" to have "enough self".
She was telling me about my M. She said, "Your M does not trust herself.."She said that you have to KNOW who you are, be honest with yourself, and trust yourself.
My Aunt would never need a therapist. She simply "is" what she is. She does not have to be "more" or "less". She just" is'.
Thank you for listening . Love Ami