Well I wasn't sure about posting on this topic, since it's a minefield around here and I want to keep all my limbs virtual and otherwise, but... Ami I think your posts nail the emotional reality of the ACON situation time and time again, including the titles. It is not my perception that your approach to topics is drama dependent, but I suspect I have a different way of measuring drama dependence based on my quixotic personal experience.
Further, practically everyone here, certainly including me, (and everyone in my real life as well) could be construed as being 'stuck' at where they are. You and I and everyone are where you are and you can wish yourself elsewhere, but you have to walk every step of the road. I can't hop skip and jump around. Or, in the words of a quote I found very inspirational a few years ago "If you have fallen down in the mud, you can't get up off the floor of the Taj Mahal. You have to figure out how to get up out of the mud, because that is where you are. When we slip in the Taj Mahal, we will have the luxury of getting up off of marble floors and won't we be special then?"
When there is an emotional charge attached to an issue, then I find I just need to go through it until the knot is untied and the charge is dissipated. If Ami needs to post 50 posts meditating on different aspects of caring relationships and how that looks to the outsider and where she's been and where she is and where she's headed, then that's fine with me. I mean, is there a cap on that?
For me, I have spent major time focused on one or some set of things in past. I filled a jumbo journal at the time I had emotional flooding 10 years ago - all on one subject. And I talked the ears off of several unfortunate and patient individuals. Eventually I moved on. Eventually I was done. Eventually I consolidated the learning and had a radically different perspective than before.
Now besides that, I will wave a red cloth around and declare that I disagree with every single person here. Yeah that's right - all of you. Whaddya think of that huh?
All I ask is for a 10 minute head start and a rental car with a full tank. Thx!