Forgiveness is a process. For some of us it is a very long process. Don't shut yourself down just because you have anger. Yes, we have to get rid of those angry vengeful thoughts and ask God to PUT forgiveness in our hearts. Sometimes the anger is not really always about that one particular N in the present of our lives but it touches an old wound from our past and our parents, perhaps, especially if the anger and vengeful thoughts are strong.
Please be careful about just offering N's over to God...yes, we need to pray for them but to deny your hurt over their harm to us IS NOT FORGIVENESS. we need to move through the hurt (this can take a long time) and acknowledge the wrong they did to us all the while praying for them and allowing the pain to wave through us with the thought that what is done to me is done to the body of Christ too. God feels the hurt along with me.
Justice is God's job. My job is to learn to love, search out, seek, pray and reach for God to give me a forgiving heart.
If I just deny my anger try to think that I am healed in one breath, I would have never learned so much about hurt, real forgiveness and my heart might have turned cold and bitter...instead -- my heart can be capable of great compassion, tolerance and understanding, at times, because I have worked through so much pain.
Love and peace,