My Gosh He is 85, I think. The treasurer, my ‘boss’ and a couple of times sexual innuendoes. I called him on it, and I believe I wrote about his always trying to find an excuse to come to my place so I had to draw the boundaries again.
Today some emails about Friday’s meeting, I mentioned 2 nurses coming tomorrow, he emailed back that he would likely bring my work from the office this afternoon. (which Linda had been doing on my office day, Wednesday.)
He gave me no exact time and I wasn’t dressed,. just tending to my leg, but I dressed in a hurry and by nightfall he still hadn’t shown up..
I hate that!
I emailed him again and said I disliked waiting, and that I would go to the Office for my work tomorrow, after my nurses left.
I thought I was through with idiots who think that only their time counts and that mine doesn’t. I can count on only me!!
Do all men become idiots again at 85? No! They never stop being idiots.
This is an example of having to try to be "friendly-like” with someone who drives you around the bend and back.
He’ll be off the Board in March, but then who will I get as a “boss” ? It’ll be another man!