Verbal Abuse – The CharacteristicsVerbal abuse is a very common malady that attacks every human being at some point in their lives; some more than others.
It can be a very devastating form of abuse when the person experiences the attacks frequently.
Verbal abuse cannot be readily seen like bruises, but it causes mental and emotional harm.
Characteristics Identifying Verbal Abuse are, but not limited to:
- Always referring to the opinions of others as irrelevant and wrong.
- Inconsideration of a person’s feelings.
- Using verbal abusiveness jokingly.
- Refusing to listen to others.
- Using accusations and blame to manipulate and control others.
- Being judgmental and critical of others.
- Belittling the concerns of others.
- Consistently berates a person’s confidence.
- Threatens to do physical harm.
- Name-calling.
- Purposeful cancellations of appointments or agreements.
- Making difficult or impossible demands on others.
- Denial of perpetrating the abuse.
- Causing fear in people through outbursts of rage.
Verbal Abuse – Avoiding DepressionSometimes words are used harshly by people without realizing how hurtful the words sound. A daily barrage of hurtful words leads to depression, which is very common in an abusive situation.
Avoiding depression can be accomplished when steps are taken to dispel it. Inactivity of one’s situation breeds depression. Here are some active steps people can take to counteract the effects of depression brought on by verbal abuse.
- Realize that abuse is not your fault. Abuse is never justified.
- Discuss the unacceptable behavior with the abuser. Let the abuser know how much the harsh words hurt.
- Discuss ways both people can change to improve the relationship.
- Seek counseling: whether it is together, separately, or individually.
- Surround yourself with a support system of friends, family, church group, etc.
- If the verbal abuse becomes physical, personal safety is imperative. Leave the volatile situation and allow time for cooling down.
- The person dealing with depression due to verbal abuse must stop blaming him or herself for the problems.
- At the moment of being verbally abused, remember to:
- Stay calm. Do not become agitated.
- Let the abuser vent. He or she will lose steam and may realize the person refuses to become a victim of their abuse.
- Do not reward the abuser by reacting to their actions with hurtful responses. Lashing out lets the abuser know they had power in affecting the person’s emotions. are some tips for dealing with verbal abuse?
Here are some tips for dealing with verbal abuse:
Remain calm and choose words carefully. A hurtful word becomes a destructive weapon, and our first reaction is to retaliate with hurtful words. Speaking good and uplifting words back in kind, will bring confusion to the abuser. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Breathe life-giving words.
Control your emotions. Do not lash back with more of the same emotions that are coming at you.
React with wisdom, not with feelings.
Guard your heart. Do your best to not take the hurtful words personally.
Understand abuse. Verbal abuse makes a person feel unloved, unwanted, unnecessary, and unworthy.
The abuser must destroy the person’s self-esteem to make them feel more powerful and in control. When in actuality, it is the abuser who is the insecure one. The abusive patterns are the abuser’s way of regaining security.
Concentrate on who you are to God.
> God created me (Psalm 130:13-18).
> I am not alone (Deuteronomy 31:6).
> I am loved by God (John 3:16)
> I am not afraid (2 Timothy 1:7)
> I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13).
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable
and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise"
(Philippians 4:8
Just found the above article, as led, and it has greatly encouraged me on my chosen walk ahead along the path of my new life. Right now, it has affirmed and validated how I now choose to deal with any form of Verbal Abuse that comes along my path.
Because I refuse to allow anyone to abuse me in any form, after having recovered and healed from abuse; from girlhood through to womenhood.
Sincerely hope this is of help to someone else too.
May God Bless You All
Love, Leah