Both my parents did this to me - Avoidance and Denial ..... "Let's Change the Subject"
Two siblings did this to me - Avoidance and Denial ..... "Let's Change the Subject"
Ex Husband did this to me - Avoidance and Denial ..... "Let's Change the Subject"
The Above Emporer's had no clothes and went to work; firstly, the silent treatment, and then secondly, moved onto sabotage with "Let's Destroy her Character"
Avoidance and Denial would seem to be crippling all aspects of society today.
Please note: the following is not N related.
Avoidance - what is it?
In avoidance, we simply find ways of avoiding having to face uncomfortable situations, things or activities.
Avoidance may involve finding ways not to discuss or even think about the topic in question.
Avoidance may be to intensely dislike another person and to avoid the person and don't talk to them, say nothing.
Avoidance is a simple way of coping by not having to cope. When feelings of discomfort appear, we find ways of not experiencing them.
Procrastination is another form of avoidance where we put off to tomorrow those things that we can avoid today.
Avoidance - So what?
Avoidance is a failure to face up to reality.
To get someone to face what they are avoiding, you may have to corner them or otherwise present them with a situation where they are unable to avoid the situation. If the discomfort is very strong, they may fight back hard, so be careful.
Denial - What is it?
Denial is simply refusing to acknowledge that an event has occurred.
The person(s) affected or involved (directly or indirectly) simply act as if nothing has happened, behaving in ways that others may see as bizarre.
It may have a significant conscious element, where the sufferer is simply 'turning a blind eye' to an uncomfortable situation.
"Don't want to know" "Doesn't affect me" "Not my problem"
Repression - What is it?
Denial is a form of Repression
Repression involves placing uncomfortable thoughts in relatively inaccessible areas of the subconscious mind.
Thus when things occur that we are unable to cope with now, we push them away, either planning to deal with them at another time or hoping that they will fade away on their own accord.
Denial - So what?
When you appear to deny a situation, when you are in denial, then you may work on gathering others to you in alliance to the denial, in the work of avoidance of any responsibility for the denial.
Simply act as if nothing has happened, behaving in ways that others may see as bizarre.
"Lets Change the Subject"
But, how can any community truly thrive and grow in unity --- under the bizarre shadow of Avoidance and Denial ?
Truly, today as I live and breathe, it makes me, as a human being, a person, sad to * see *
Sincerely yours,
Love, Leah