Mud.... thanks for the following laugh... I must have been AWOL when you posted this:
Hero Member
Posts: 857
Re: If N feels threatened illogically & involuntarily, what can be done to help?
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2007, 06:28:01 PM »
If N feels threatened illogically & involuntarily, what can be done to help?
A brain transplant.
In the likely event you can't find any physicians who specialize in such procedures and your N is sufficiently arrogant, you might be able to convince him he could be the first person to perfom one on himself. He'll need a can opener, some bacon tongs and a donor. Unfortunately God's brain is the only one an N would deem suitable as a replacement for his own so that donor part might be a deal killer.
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::slapping knee and lol::
I'm so glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I came accross that