I have a suggestion for any no-reason-whatsoever "grinch-type" people or just for people who are really bummed out about the holiday.
go out and play in the snow if you have some. Build a snowman, make a snowangel, have a snowball fight! Just be a kid again this winter. I personally have been waiting for my children to give me the signal that we have packing snow...I love creating snow sculptures, especially mermaids for some odd reason...I have always loved the little mermaid and used to lay on the floor as a little girl, pretending I was one.
when all else fails, put down the phone, get away from the computer, ignore the washing machine for just a little while and go outside and be a child again...free, with no rules, no boundaries...just run and run, feel the wind in your hair, don't care about NUTHIN! BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE like you were created to be!