Well what I didn't tell you all was the DRAMA that happened on the way back. They had an ice storm in Iowa (where we live.) We thought maybe we couldn't get home but we were gonna try. We flew into Dallas and it was the bumpiest flight I had ever been on. I was white knuckled and was praying the whole time. We were landing and we finally got close to the runway.....could finally SEE the ground when the pilot gunned it and flew back up in the air!!! The whole plane was talking. What the ?????
So he finally makes an announcement that he couldn't see the end of the runway and decided not to land (I think it is because there was some plane there and the air traffic controllers told him not to land.......) So when we finally land the flight attendant says "ladies and gentlemen, there are several passengers who are late for connections so if this is your final destination, then please remain seated so those with connections can get off." Well, we watched as every single person ahead of us slowly got their items and got off. So I said rather loudly..................."hey if you do not have a connection PLEASE sit down and let us off!" Everyone ignored me and meandered off the plane.
So we finally get off and start running through the airport. We have to grab a shuttle and we are clearly late for our connection. We finally get to our connection and luckily it was late. Then there is an announcement.....WE HAVE OVER BOOKED BY FIVE SEATS. IF YOU WOULD GIVE UP YOUR SEAT WE WILL GIVE YOU A $250 VOUCHER, DELUXE HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS AND A MEAL VOUCHER. My H said no....he wanted to get home.
So 15 minutes later they announce the flight was cancelled. We all ran up to the desk. They rebooked us the next morning and booked us at a Motel 6 that we had to pay for. There was no restaurant. We had no luggage. It was wet and dreary. So we walked 15 blocks to a gas station and got all soggy. My h wanted beer. We went in there and they sold no beer!! ( I was glad...) We bought toothbrushes and deodorant. Food. We walked back. I said, "Well, let's look on the bright side, at least it is not raining!" Two minutes later it started pouring!!! We were soaked.
There was no shampoo. No blow dryer. My hair looked so bad the next morning!!! I looked like Rosanna Rosanna Danna!!!
It was comical and will be a story I often tell!! I am afraid of flying!!!!!
We should have taken the first offer.............it was like Deal or no Deal..............and we lost!!!