I came to find help figuring out why people cut their own throats and behave in irrational self destructive ways, usually involving scapegoating and blaming other people when
they do something egregiouse to someone else, namely...
me and my children.
Trying to untie the knots of confusion based on destructive behavior (perpetrated by someone who has NOTHING visible to gain from that behavior.....) and when called on it.... they insist that
NOT ONLY ARE THEY INNOCENT BUT.... we should fall over ourselves heaping pity and sympathy on them...... the more egregiouse their behavior towards us, the more pity and sympathy they demand.
They're quite sure their version is the one you should swallow, please.... don't MAKE them shove it down your throat... just believe the consistent implausable party line and ignore that naggling feeling of doom and confusion you keep experiencing while your trying to choke it down..... again.... and again.... and again.
The reason they behave this way, as it turns out....
is because
they're sick. Broken. Beyond restoration.
Because they're empty vessels filling themselves with the pain and struggle
of other people, in order to feel alive.
Because they're static..... waiting to
Who can make sense out of static,
waiting to be?Nobody,
bc it doesn't make sense.
Now..... I'm making peace with the way this type of sickness weedles through my life.... I suppose I'm making peace with the fact that it will
always be with me, in some fashion...... how to get used to the taste of vomit.... or learn to choke that impossibly improbable reflex before it lands in my mouth?
Now there's a question... ::nodding::
At some point.... I hope I stop throwing up.... is that the best I can hope for?
It's interesting to
come to this board and find the static alive and well...... active.....happily going about it's business like it's invisible and entitled to take it's pound of flesh and go on about it's way.
Maybe it will, hard to say, really.
Sometimes it just
visits. Sometimes it
stays awhile.
It's morbidly fascinating
to observe, I'll give it that.
Interesting in the way you're fascinated by the changes turning a dying loved one's thighs to hard bumpy
sides of bacon hardness....
or the way their tummies bloat up so large you have to cut the top of extra large jammie bottoms so they'll fit. Who knew the intestine's lubrication will go into overdrive and produce lubrication till the tummy looks like it'll burst... gee....? ::scratching head:: It would be nice if the doctors would warn a person about this sort of thing..... I'm so glad I had a nice neighbor lady gift her time and care to helping me understand what was on the way.... before it presented itself
as a shock. They really should warn a body...::nodding::
It's chaos and destruction at work....
right where you
have to witness it....
and you can't get away from it bc when you trun around....
it's behind you too.
So.... you learn to
deal with it.
You try to pity those who can't do any better and forgive them.
You try to limit your exposure, your children's exposure but.... alas... your the little Dutch Boy with his finger in the dyke. (spllg?)
And of course, you wrestle with the struggle to let the static have it's way with innocent bystanders, right before your very eyes... and sometimes you just have to watch it
::crunch crunch crunch::
For the sake of peace, or lack of time or bc priorities just don't allow it here and there bc you don't have enough strength or fingers.
I don't know..... there must be more to the lesson.... ::shaking head::
must be. I guess I have to learn to let chaos and destruction flourish around me.... make peace with it?
The Yin and and Yang of life.
Tell the innocents to watch themselves then step back and let them make their choices.
I sure don't want to spend my life standing watch...... policing the static..... making people safe.
::envying those who are blissfully ignorant of Cluster B Personality Disorders bc they haven't been touched (much) by them::
I guess there's lessons in everything....
lessons that everyone
must save themselves.....
must survive hardship....
I can't save anyone from themselves or the Cluster B.
Not boardmembers, myself or my children.
Chaotic static.... alive and welll... going nowhere.
what and
why are done.... that leaves
how (to live with it.)
Maybe the nice neighbor lady
should have done what the doctor did..... and left me alone during the entire struggle with the chaos that was cancer? Why should she step in and deny chaos those little chuckles at my expense?
I could do the same thing..... it
would save time. ::nod::
Eh.... maybe I'll turn into that nice neighbor lady, despite the examples the doc set?
Hard to say really.... the lessons still unclear