Ok, by virtue of the fact that I admitted I'm a minister, a pastor/prophet/evangelist/deliverance minister, whatever vocation you want to see me as, or none whatsoever if you choose, I've noticed the whole mood of this board starting to turn again.
Please, just because I'm a preacher of the Bible, don't lose sight of the thing that brought me here to begin with. I, TOO was abused. I was a victim of another minister and family. THAT was why I came.
Now, if you choose not to espouse to Bible beliefs, that has always been your prerogative, but I will rise up when I feel that my beliefs are under too much scrutiny as well. Freedom of "religion" is part of this country and I aim to take a stand when it comes to my right to spiritual identity as well as other forms of identity.
I did not offer anyone any type of counsel nor pastoral help on this group, yet automatically people are throwing "digs" at me as though I was. I merely answered some questions posed by you, Leah, never intending to "help" you in any way. I did give my view to Tayana, as I want it clear that I do not agree with her choice on sexuality, but I did not venture to help her or anyone else in any way, nor would I unless God already prepared that persons' heart to be receptive or that person came to me for help.
Pastor Laura (former NPD/spiritual-abuse victim too)