Dear Laura,
* I* appreciated your comments, greatly. If everyone else can comment--WHY can't YOU? Once s/thing goes "public"--it is a free for all----- good ,bad and indifferent(IMO).
My opinion---YES--- we are just children in bigger skin. However, as adults we can give bigger wounds. Evil must be owned within the self and in other people.
Problems arise WHEN people don't own their OWN evil, individually. Peck talks about this. Evil reigns in denial.
I used to be able to SEE my own evil and the evil in others. I was "safe" as long as I could do this. I was safe from expecting too much from fellow travelers(other humans). They had the SAME flaws as I did..
I was safe b/c I only went "so far" with other people. They did not have the part of me which is "mine" to keep.
Once I gave that to my M, I was lost. Now, I am reclaiming it--bit by painful, wrenching bit. That is what getting my voice is about. As a dear friend said yesterday,"Better on the board, than in real life.''(lol)
Yes, it IS better on the board than in real life. However , AFTER the board, you CAN do it in real life,as I see it Ami