Dr. Grossman-
With all due respect, in the event that a person is actually experiencing both harm and the threat of harm, or perceives said harm being perpetrated upon another quite unfairly, in certain situations even speaking about it is not permitted. The perpetrator can be sacrosanct because of who they are or who they know, while none of the "little people" can even talk about what is happening. All unfairness becomes triggers, all outrage a battle for the self, sinful thoughts questioning God's will, etc. which can be explained away by virtue of the disease of the person in question.
It is not always pathology, or sin, the acting out of childhood issues, or thought crime to question or to see wrong- there is in reality actual wrongdoing and unfairness, and doctors , judges , and other authorities are not the only beings who can legitimately discern these wrongs. Individual biases do not make actions just. Persons with power relationships are not necessarily good or just.
It may be smarter in a certain sense to pretend that they are and not cross threatening people- this dynamic can be seen for instance in places where people live under the rule of the Taliban- if one sees a wrong perpetrated by an elite, or dares to question the system, that person is silenced. All of the major horrors of mankind were perpetrated in this way.
I once read an article I believe in the East-West Journal, where a psychiatrist successfully rewired her anxious patient who was always afraid, and thought that she should leave the country, as she believed that the government would eventually kill her. As I remember it, several months after the successful treatment, the patient died in a concentration camp, as this took place in Nazi Germany.
I have seen some who can freely violate others here, including repeatedly issuing blatant threats and taunts, as well as hurling vile aspersions against them, judging others sexual choice with condemnation according to their own religious perceptions, all the while intimating that they have a sympathetic ear for their concerns, and can do as they please to violate others, while others do not, and cannot even question them. In fact, these people were not censored, and the conduct continued. At other times members of this Board have complained that these persons have violated their stated request not to include them in any sense in assisting them in conducting any immoral acts, or to use this Board for purposes of religious harassment. Still this conduct continued and often increased, said conduct appearing to be much more egregious than that which attracted so much attention and public punishment. Of course, as I have no connections with anyone, my observations on this are almost certainly suspect, and very possibly in violation of some arbitrary standard or other in and of themselves...
I would hope that anyone, not matter who they are or who they know, would be held to the same standards and given the same admonitions and punishments as have been meted out publically to Lighter when they clearly demonstrate taunting, pressure and provocative actions against her and others. I believe that anyone who continues to try to use whatever influence they have here against Lighter or others should be provided the same psychological assistance in seeing the errors of their ways, irregardless of that influence. We should all treat one another properly- there is no one on this board whose expressed hostility and inappropriate actions are somehow better than others.
Thank you,