Although Dr Grossman needs to answer your question directly himself, while you're asking, I'd like to add something (which I feel is relevant, anyway!):
When these recent 'flare-ups' occur on the forum from time to time, the issue is often raised that there are no 'forum rules' set out, when people join, telling them what is permissible, and not permissible, to post (in terms of tone, subject matter, etc.
The response we have had from Dr Grossman in the past has been along the lines of 'well, you have all been made voiceless in the past, in various ways, so I don't want to add to that by imposing any rules at all.'
While that may be a good idea in itself, I feel this is unhelpful, as it gives some people the idea that it is OK to behave any way they like, as no-one has a list of rules to point to, in order to correct their behaviour back to common politeness.
As many on here have had dysfunctional parenting (not everyone, I realise, but a lot), some people may not have been brought up to realise what a 'normal' conversation consists of. So, it may be helpful to set out what that is, just so that people understand. That is not making people voiceless, IMO, it is assisting them to have a voice that can be heard respectfully by everyone who comes to this forum.