That is a lot. And with the holidays and emotions running high, I think everything seems more profound. It does for me. Maybe your daughter will gain new appreciation for you while she is apart from you. Maybe next week will be all about joy - you will see a birth, your group will discuss joy and the snow will sparkle in your yard. And I love the cashmere sweater AND the name of the color. Blackberry. Brilliant!!!!! I am sorry too about your pooch.
Speaking of dogs and clothes... I had to go to the Marine Corps ball and wanted to order something new for the ball. I took the chance and ordered it the week we were going. It arrived, no joke, one hour after we left the house and the neighbors, who were watching Henry, left it in the entryway in its box. I was going ot return it because I didn't need to buy a party dress for anything but the ball, but Henry adores boxes and ate through the box and snagged the skirt in spots. So now I have a slightly damaged expensive dress that I don't adore in my closet.
Love, Beth