You know ,Kelly. I have recieved an unconditional human love, recently ,which allowed me to get a small taste of God's love. We can be good, bad, "holy" ,not" holy", etc and God's love is above it all.
I got a taste of human unconditional love and I feel much more free to be "real" and not strive to be so "perfect", within myself and with others.
Maria is not afraid of being "bad", as far as God is concerned. She knows ,in her heart, that God loves her and it is NOT based on how good or bad she is.Maria really surprises me at times with what she says and does(lol),but she "gets it" about the unconditional nature of God's love.
S/how , she was able to get to this level. I am starting to get there,now. It sounds like you are, too, Kelly. Ami