Author Topic: My inquiry is sincere Pls tell me what life is like without belief in God/heaven  (Read 16339 times)


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Yes.  I have always been a Christian but was raised where God was punitive and intolerant.  I am so anti establishment when it comes to pretentious Christians.  My journey has been one of peeling away all the wrong ideas and embrace He who is love.  My parents' church has many new believers who had issues with drugs and alcohol-they are so excited to be free from addictions and to have hope.  THAT is what it is about-not that you cannot miss church or you are going to hell.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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You know ,Kelly. I have recieved an unconditional human love, recently ,which allowed me to get a small taste of God's love. We can be good, bad, "holy" ,not" holy", etc and God's love is above it all.
  I got a taste of human  unconditional love and I feel much more free to be "real" and not strive to be  so "perfect", within myself and with others.
  Maria is not afraid of being "bad", as far as God is concerned.  She knows ,in her heart, that God loves her and it is NOT  based on how good or bad she is.Maria really surprises me at times with what she says and does(lol),but she "gets it" about the unconditional nature of God's love.
  S/how , she was able to get to this level. I am starting to get there,now. It  sounds like you are, too, Kelly.         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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My faith is an easy, confident faith these days.  Yes, it will all work out.  And, yes, I really am okay.  Not because of anything I have done, but because it doesnt depend upon me.  Maybe you all discovered this long ago--but I think we all betray our true beliefs when we struggle with others over what they believe.

I agree with what you say here CB.  Sure a person can search, and  expand their knowledge God, but when its all said and done His law is non-negotiable.  We must fit into what He knows, not the other way around.


Certain Hope

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My faith is an easy, confident faith these days.  Yes, it will all work out.  And, yes, I really am okay.  Not because of anything I have done, but because it doesnt depend upon me.  Maybe you all discovered this long ago--but I think we all betray our true beliefs when we struggle with others over what they believe.

I agree with what you say here CB.  Sure a person can search, and  expand their knowledge God, but when its all said and done His law is non-negotiable.  We must fit into what He knows, not the other way around.


tt, well said. Thank you. For many reasons, this was just the thing for me to read right now... and yes, we must fit into what God knows, not vice versa.

And I am so glad to know that you are really okay.



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My inquiry is sincere Pls tell me what life is like without belief in God/heaven.  That was the question first asked on the thread.

So, I can reply directly to that question by saying that life is perfectly peaceful and normal.  Not having a belief does not make one some kind of undesirable person, nor does it make life some kind of strange dimension without direction.
I think I am a reasonably sane and normal person, who tries to do her best, not do harm and live within a code of ethics.

I hope that answers the question.

All the best


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Hermes, yes that answered the question, however then I have another question to you, as I'm sitting here listening to a recording of an atheist debating a theist, is ...since you do not have a belief similar to mine, about God,etc, what happens when you leave this earth in your belief?



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Hi Hermes,

It's a conundrum I know, but I think that professing not to have a belief is in itself a belief.  Maybe I'm way off.  Wish I could debate this (or anything) in a schololarly fashion, but can't.
