Author Topic: The Dirty Dozen - fyi  (Read 922 times)

Certain Hope

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The Dirty Dozen - fyi
« on: December 16, 2007, 08:07:55 PM »
The Dirty Dozen-Characteristics of a Psychopath

A refresher course for informational purposes... quite clear, really. I locked the thread, so it stays that way... clear, that is.

                   1. The ‘Jekyll/Hyde’ Psychopath comes on strong, sweeps us off our feet.
                                    Appearing to be our 'soulmate', he falsely mirrors our values, interests, goals,
                                    philosophies, tastes and habits. He mimics our ambition, integrity, honesty and
                                    sincerity. He wants to marry us quickly. This control freak wants us dependent on
                                    him. He portrays false integrity, appears helpful, comforting, generous in his
                                    'idealization' of us phase. It never lasts as Jekyll turns into Hyde. He blames
                                    others. His victims are objectified and disposable. He convincingly mimics human
                                    emotions. His lack of conscience is shocking, incomprehensible and emotionally
                                    painful to us. We remember his odd reaction to situations. We end the relationship
                                    and salvage what we can, or we are quickly discarded as he cultivates a "new perfect
                                    soulmate". He will have numerous relationships. He may drop verbal clues about his
                                    true character early in the relationship, but we fail to grasp its meaning. Later, when
                                    the psychopath eventually emerges, we remember his early warning. His
                                    targets suffer emotional and financial devastation and our emotional recovery is
                                    lengthy. Defense Strategy: Abandon your efforts to help or cure him. His true mask
                                    exposed, your 'soulmate' is gone forever. Accept the reality. Seek therapy. Join a
                                    support group to know you are not alone. Don't take the bait when he blames or lies.
                                    They fool even trained professionals. Do not be vulnerable or naive. Prepare for a
                                    nasty divorce. Accept no abuse. Learn about mental diseases and disorders.

                                    2. The Female Psychopath: Using her false mask, this charming "Southern
                                    Belle" schemer appears helpless or needy, pitiful, inept or emotionally unable to
                                    cope. Even total strangers give her things she gratefully accepts. Falsely claiming to
                                    be the victim, this passive parasite lures and abuses the normal protector/provider
                                    instincts in her male target. When her mask comes off she is cunning, ruthless,
                                    predatory, and loveless. Defense Strategy: She'll try to hook and reel you in. Take
                                    the hook out of your lip. Don't make her emotional neediness your problem. This
                                    black hole of need can never be filled. Understand the mask of helplessness is not
                                    the "real her".  If she won't give reasonable answers to reasonable questions turn
                                    and run. Beware and remember "...deadlier than the male." Realize she uses
                                    sexuality as a lure. Avoid financial or emotional involvement.

                                    3. 'Liar Liar'  He will lie for no reason. He will skilfully twists our words, evade
                                    questions, and omit important facts in his ever-changing, self-serving goals. "Hang
                                    'em high" he says about the murderer on the 6:00 news. This hypocrite claims high
                                    morals then proceeds to exploits, manipulate and abuse others. His lies and
                                    projection are emotionally cruel. He will accuse you of being crazy. Defense
                                    Strategy: Quietly verify what he says. The grain of truth he drops occasionally is
                                    deceptive manipulation. Do not try to negotiate or bargain. Head for the door when
                                    things don't add up. Learn about projection.

                                    4. The Thrll Seeker never learns from his past follies. Easily bored, his hunt for new
                                    thrills escalates. His reckless disregard for others endangers them. Poor impulse
                                    control, bad judgment, criminal activity and substance abuse are common. Defense
                                    Strategy: Don't get involved. Use your good judgment. Say No. Don't take the bait of
                                    his rage or manipulation. Don't bail him out.

                                    5. The Malevolent Psychopath is now fully unmasked. We remember when his
                                    eyes were vacant, cold and predatory. This wife-beater, murderer, serial killer,
                                    stalker, rapist, fighter, harasser, terrorist has a 'chip-on-his-shoulder' attitude. His
                                    short fuse erupts into rages. He anticipates betrayal, humiliation or punishment.
                                    He imagines rejection and rejects first to 'get it over with'. He will harass to get your
                                    reaction and try to make you look out of control. Can become dangerous and
                                    unpredictable. He has no remorse, no conscience and no regard for the rights of
                                    others. This coward sadistically picks on the vulnerable, women, children and the
                                    elderly. Defies probation or the courts. He has bad judgment. He never learns his
                                    lesson and and repeats past actions to his own detriment. The media loves stories
                                    about his heinous acts. Defense Strategy: Act to protect yourself physically,
                                    financially and emotionally. Don't tip your hand that you're leaving. Don't take the bait
                                    of his over-reactions. Be aware of the services of the police, law and shelters.

                                    6. The Arrogant Psychopath Displays his false mask and his haughty strut as he
                                    demands centre stage. He seeks envy, attention even our fear and hatred. He can
                                    never get enough. Fame or infamy are the same to him if he can acquire notoriety.
                                    Reacts disproportionately to situations. He boastfully displays his possessions to
                                    garner attention. Defense Strategy: Learn the red flags of behaviour. Demand equal
                                    treatment. Deny him the attention he demands. Learn about Malignant Narcissism

                                    7. The Charismatic Leader manipulates others to obtain status, control,
                                    compliance, money, attention. His effective brainwashing tactics often found in
                                    religious cults or political venues. He targets the naive, vulnerable, uneducated or
                                    mentally weak. He falsely portrays himself to be virtuous, the perfect father,
                                    husband, spiritual leader, advisor, mentor, friend. Defense Strategy: Avoid him. Know
                                    his payoff is attention, money or abusing us. Be suspicious of excessive charisma
                                    emanating from others. Pay attention when your gut instinct tells you to avoid him.

                             8. The Promiscuous Psychopath (male or female). Pornography,
                                    hypersexuality, masturbation, incest are reported by his targets. Anyone, young, old,
                                    male/female are there for his gratification. This predator takes what is available. Can
                                    have a preference for 'sado-maso' sexuality. Easily bored, he demands increasingly
                                    deviant stimulation. The internet a favourite hunting ground. However, another type
                                    exists, the one who withholds sex or affection. Defense Strategy: Expect this type to
                                    try to degrade you. Get away from him. Expect him to tell lies about your sexuality to
                                    evade exposure of his own. Be aware of their frequent presence on the internet.

                                    9. The Nomadic Parasite has a lack of long-term goals. With unrealistic
                                    expectations, he is aimless and lacking commitment, focus or direction.
                                    He aggressively pursues opportunistic predatory use of others. Defense strategy: Be
                                    aware of their red flags. Don't bail him out. Know his ability to appear helpless, pitiful,
                                    confused and needing our assistance.

                                    10. Conman/Manipulator pits people against each other. We may be used as his
                                    proxy interacting with others as he sets us up to take the fall while he enjoys
                                    watching the performance he orchestrates. Keeps his allies and targets separate to
                                    avoid exposure. Verbally skilled at twisting our words, this charmer usually gets his
                                    way. Applying 'fear' selling tactics, this scam artist crafts situations to appear
                                    indispensable, ready to solve our problems. Money and conning others are his
                                    objective. He will agree to anything then turn around and do the opposite. He will
                                    accuse you of breaking the contract. Legal, custody agreements and normal social
                                    or personal protocol mean nothing to him. Enjoys orchestrating police/legal action
                                    and playing the role of the 'poor me' victim. Defense Strategy: Expect him to
                                    disregard the agreement. Know the 'nature of the beast'. Facing consequences is his
                                    best lesson. Avoid involvement. Be self-sufficient. Avoid any "Trust-Me"
                                    get-rich-quick sales pitch. Learn how swindlers and scam artists operate.

                                    11. The Professional Psychopath is often successful and intelligent in his field. He
                                    can masterfully fake his abilities and credentials. He exploits others, and must be in
                                    absolute control. He relies on his intellectual manipulation, and charisma. His eye on
                                    the boardroom, he backstabs his way to high position. He ruthlessly abuses his
                                    power. His bad judgment has adverse affects on many levels of society. He places
                                    others in problem or failure situations. This professional bully has no social
                                    conscience, and is often suspicious and paranoid. Others may support him to further
                                    their own objective but this wheeler-dealer leaves them holding the bag. Defense
                                    Strategy: Keep your references and resume up to date. Don't get involved in anything
                                    illegal. Document thoroughly to protect yourself. Thwarting them may backlash with a
                                    cascade of retaliation.

                                    12. The Psychopath Child displays signs as early as age 3. This juvenile
                                    delinquent shows early red flags of psychopathy including lying, fighting, stealing,
                                    bullying, bad judgment, cheating, cruelty to animals, vandalism, truancy, sexual
                                    activity, fire-setting, substance abuse, and running away from home. Many see him
                                    as 'sneaky'. Defense Strategy: Fix the problem, not the blame. Maintain
                                    domestic stability. Recognize signs in early childhood. Reinforce and reward positive
                                    behaviour. Seek therapy. Establish firm moral integrity practices and
                                    standards within the home.