Hey Hops,
I pay as many of my bills as possible electronically. I had a hard time remembering to pay my car payment, insurance and stuff, so I set an automatic deduction from my checking on the same day each month so that I was never late with those payments. For one credit card I was desperately trying to pay off, I set up a regular deduction, but I didn't schedule it for auto deduct so I could change the amounts each month. It worked great. My electric bill is set on auto pay. The phone and cable I pay around the 12th of the month so they aren't late, same with credit cards. I sat down and took a hard look at where my money was going, what I was charging, ect, and made cuts where I could. No more eating out at lunch for instance. Instead I make things like soup and chili that I can warm up. I make my own bread. Paying bills online was a life saver. It cut out the paperwork, and I could set up reminders and things that said, "It's time to pay your bill" otherwise I'd forget. All I had to do was make certain I had the money when the deducts came around.
Seriously, if you want help, I'll do what I can.
TT, it does describe me pretty much, except I'm more of an introvert. I think I'm an INFJ? Is that right? I've taken the meyers' briggs test before.
Bella, oh, I think you're right, because I went to bed last night with dirty clothes in my floor, the paper scattered everywhere, the pillows from the couch in the floor. Homework and toys all over the living room and dishes in the sink. And do you know what? I felt relieved. The relief was like I'd been walking a tight rope and finally got to solid ground.
Beth, I might have to look into it. I think it could be fun. I could be an entrepeneur(sp?).