Hi flower,
Jeez, does your mom take the cake or what?
I read your other post, too, about weird phone calls. It does sound like she is trying to drive you literally crazy. Like she's stalking you. I know, I can hear it already from your mom "how can a mother who loves her child be considered a stalker? Like I do any of those things you speak of!"
How do you keep sane? Do you just say "there she goes again?" From what you have written she sounds very destructive and malicious. Can you unlist your number, or did you do that already and someone gave it to her anyway?
My daughter was the one to bust my NSIL's chops on not leaving messages. N started to give my kids a hard time about me not answering the phone, and my d said, why don't you just leave a message? She used to phone me and hang up when I said hello but got bored with that when I sounded happy and content v. upset and tense about life in general. She's a real weirdo.
She used to drop by unannounced all the time until we moved. We now live on a very visible corner where any of the neighbors and people SHE knows could see her. She used to walk on our sidewalk when the sprinklers were going as though we had turned them on knowing she was going by. That's so the neighbors could see how we were "mistreating" her. She's great for manufacturing stupid petty dramas. Nothing major league though like your mother.
You may want to contact a DETECTIVE or a lawyer to see how you can get her off your back. Gather proof that she is harassing you in this way and get a restraining order from any contact, third party or otherwise. She sounds very disturbed. You may also want to contact a psychiatrist to see what advice they can give you on handling this type of family situation.
You need your sanctuary back and peace of mind. Best, Seeker