Author Topic: ever see those "what would you do if..." things...well, what would you do if...  (Read 2085 times)


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what would you do if, the reactions to anything you posted to this group (within boundaries, of course), was not going to have any bearing on who you are as a person, how your day progressed, the destiny of your life....because, the truth is, not one iota of anything anyone here says to you, has to affect who you are as  person, how your day goes on, the direction of your life, or anything else, unless....YOU let it.

Think of this place as a "practice" session for how you will relate in the real world.  If you wouldn't walk up to someone because they were a certain color, and spit in their face in person, why would you do it here?  Is it because of the anonymity?

On the other hand, if you were to be able to say to your Nmother, "I see what your motive is and I don't appreciate it and would like you to stop," why wouldn't you feel bold enough to do that here?

This board is basically what YOU see it as.  is this a replacement for your family?  Ok, but keep in mind that WE are not those N parents you are dealing with needlessly, that you probably need to enforce NC with.  (well at least many of us are not N's)

Is this board a place to "vent"  You may want to rethink that idea.  Venting results in people being "triggered"

Is this board a place where you are trying to hook up with some nice friends?  Be careful, keeping in mind that most of the people here are coming from very dysfunctional backgrounds and have not yet dealt with their own issues.

Is this a place you come to just lurk?  That might be your safest bet, unless you have learned to not take things personally.

Is this board a place where you just want to feel free to be "you"....GUESS AGAIN.  I have not seen one member on here who, by being "themselves" didn't IRK someone at one time or another.  You need to have a THICK SKIN to survive if you are going to "let your hair down" here.

Is this a place where you have come to help others who have been snared by N's?  Good on ya, but realize that the victims of N's sometimes can't really come to grips with what is going on, and might just reject your well-intentioned help.

Is this board a place where you want people to trust you and confide in you or at least take your advice?  Well, as i see it, it's a "PROVE YOURSELF" proposition with most people.  I have told people in pm that they could trust me, and, as of yet, I have not betrayed that trust by posting private convos to the board or anything of the sort.  Trust is PROVEN and earned in life and on here.

As I said, this place is what YOU make it to be.  The board does not actually have a life of its own, that has the power to DESTROY you, although at times it may feel that way, when you read posts where others begin to "gang up on ya"

My advice to anyone here is, if you cannot NOT take what is said in some posts, as a personal affront meant to annhilate you, then you might want to seek an in-person solution to your problems.  It's not for the faint of heart nor the person who hasn't seen a therapist to re-learn or learn what Objectivity and Reality are.  You owe it to yourself to live in the REAL 3-D world in a healthy way, before trying to take on text-only pseudoworlds of forums.

Please, just think on it.



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((((((((((((Laura))))))))))))))))                                                      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Many people here make a large difference in my life. They are not a replacement for my 3D life, but understand things that people in my daily existence do not. That being said, there are a few here who seem to only search for attention, and I basically ignore them and look for help from those who mean well. I can't tell you how much support and help I have received from this board. I am so much stronger and retain very few bad effects from NM because of the advice I have followed here.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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I come to the board to find other people who understand my situation and can offer advice in various situations I've found myself in.  I've had good advice.  I've had advice that I haven't taken.  It's always nice to have someone else to bounce situations and ideas off of.

This is not a replacement for my 3-D life.  I already see a therapist so I can work on my issues with her.  She's very nice, and can actually understand because her mother is like mine.

This is a disucssion board to talk about things I can't take to my therapist between appointments, to make friends, to find people who understand.  I take very few things said on the board personally.  That's not to say there haven't been posts that have offended me, but I don't necessarily take them personally. 


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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You sound like you are very well balanced with this stuff.  Good to know and hear.



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I have to confess that sometimes I am coming from work just thinking about the board. i come here and spend hours reading posts. It has become part of my life, and sometimes if I do not have time to come and read here, I feel some kind of itching. It is kind of an addiction.
I have noticed people who have posted at many different times of the day. I have noticed people posting all day long.
Internet is addictive and if there is re-inforcement, positive or negative, it is even more addictive.


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  • Sallying Forth
Re: why I'm here again
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2007, 03:12:48 AM »
I come here for many reasons. Right now, I am restricted to very little physical activity due to my medical condition, so the internet and the two support groups I belong to are a major source of support.

My interest here has ebbed and flowed like the tide.  As for this board, there's no other board where I can receive support and which knows about parents' N behavior and its long term effects.

The rest of my life is spent writing my novel and with that remembering the horrors of my abuse and healing from them. Getting ill did have a silver lining. It enabled me the extra time to work on my novel and not rush through to the ending. Everything in its time.
Sallying Forth
The real voyage in discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.  Marcel Proust


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Dear Sally,
  I am sending you prayers,love and peace, Friend.                  Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung