thanks, Leah.
Every time I have to hear H's voice or watch the weird way he always HAS to tuck his shirts into his pants (looks like a geek, like Steve Urkel or Screech or something) is very hard to not feel that MY hope is being deferred.
So, those of you who are struggling in situations that are far less than ideal in marriage, know that I"m right with ya. Yeah, communication has improved a bit in marriage to where NH is a bit more conscious of being a butt head, but the large N part of him, has not totally transformed nor disappeared. He thinks he looks like "everybody else" but everybody else that tucks their shirts in, does not have super high hipbones and a very straight body, like a looks STUPID and the N part in me doesn't want to be associated with him, the geek.
I want to say "I FEEL EMBARRASSED being anywhere around you! you Know how to dress normal, so you don't stick out like a sore thumb, and you just do that for attention, which is the story of your entire life...always having to be the attention-getter, whether for being the one who:
--- was the IDEAL citizen
--- stayed and took care of mom when nobody did
--- didn't do drugs LIKE your brothers
--- can do NO WRONG
--- is the PERFECT neighbor
sorry, but this "golden child" mentality he has always had (but that didn't come out till after we had been married a while, of course), got OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD a LONG TIME AGO!