Question: Reduced to its simplest form, is trying to change others just a strong armed version of projection?
I personally don't think it is the same.
Projection is when the other person begins blaming you for faults that are not your faults, but actually theirs. They punish you in some way for doing awful things that you never did, but that they did. The begin treating you as though you were a sort of evil person that you never were, but that they actually are, deep within.
Basically, during projection, you feel like screaming out "noooooo, you're wrong...I don't LIE...That is YOU who LIES, not me!"
"No" I'm not the one who treats people wrongly, YOU are."
(all the while realizing that it really is THEM who is doing the bad behaviors, NOT YOU, and yet, you gradually begin asking yourself "could she be right? do I have a problem with lying? What about that one time when I said I wasn't home cause I didn't want to be bothered...that was a lie, and the other time when I ____ ____, she's RIGHT, I AM A LIAR!) Abusers have a way of making you really DOUBT yourself to a point that YOU DO NOT EVEN LIKE YOU.
Now, controlling means something a bit different. Controlling someone means that you are forcing them to do what you want. You have a way that you decide is THE WAY, and if the other person does not do it, you find ways to punish, guilt-trip, interrogate them.
Projection- putting bad behavior onto someone (that isn't actually there, but instead is in yourself)
Control- forcing someone to do/be what you want. (generally because you feel out of control yourself)