My oldest N sister is dumping middle N sisters life on me. Well sharing all the N garbage with me. I have put the phone down, had to go etc. while still finding a way to tell, share, debug herself of all the foo stuff she hears onto me.
They are both N's.
Middle N got a boyfriend, it has been several years. I have barely NC with her. I already now all about her relationships. Each one is the same because she is not real.
Boring, all you hear about is how much money they make, how beautiful they think she is, on and on and on all about her. Same thing everytime.
Middle sister has lost a lot of weight , is taking pictures down of herself, a lot lol, because she does not want new boyfriend to know. Doesn't want him to know how long since her last relationship etc. Rules she gives for her game. As she is portraying her FALSE IMAGE> I don't care what he knows, I feel bad, deeply if he is a kind person. He will be HURT>
Older sister I know can't stand to listen to other n sis talk all about herself. She actually told me today that she forgot to mention that new boyfriend opened the car door of middle sister to tell her AGAIN how much she means to him. Did I have to hear this much info. Every second every breath they make. NO
This is after I hear he thinks she is so pretty, how lucky he is, people commenting when their out that he has a good catch etc.
Boring, same olde same olde.
He bought her an expensive gift for Xmas.
She (middle sister) knows he wants to tell her he loves her. She can read minds too. lol
Middle sister is a big bragger and believes she has every right to be in your face with how great she is. For example she recently was in a restaurant with siblings, got up took her coat off and said in a loud voice LOOK at ME you haven't seen ME since I lost my last 15 lbs. SHE twirls around in a restaurant with people looking and says have you ever seen such a tiny waist?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess my frustration is trying to reduce to little or no contact with oldest is even harder because she wants my ear to share every detail of other sisters life. I think she in a weird way thinks she is grandiose, if possible for one n to be excited about an other n's life.
I can feel the hyperness from older sister like she has to let this all out, every DETAIL.
Yet quickly gets mad and tears sister apart. I dunno, crazy, the both are.
I have no feelings, I am now at a place where I think the are both ridiculous. I don't feel hurt anymore more embarrassed for them, most of the time I feel like laughing at them, not crying. It's amazing when you know the truth. They can't hurt me like they did, they just irritate me, like a flea.
I guess I know the answer is No CONTACT with both SISTERS=Peace. If not this drama will snow ball, no way, not anymore.
I may drop my land line that way older sis can't call me.

I do don't what to play in the school yard with them this year. I think that's good a good thing.

Thanks for letting shed the foo for the year.