Since I came to this board on January, I found an oasis of peace and comfort. Now, for the first time I feel here as if I was at work. I have to be careful, I am afraid, there are people who make me very disgusted, it is like being with GFM. Is it that it was like that before but I was unaware? Is it that I changed? Is it that the board has changed?
The worst, is when I say something like that, people ask me, is it me? But never the ones who bother me. It is like those who bother me do not even know they do. So, probably it is triggering for me and unintentional of their part.
I have been running away all my life, always because there are Ns and I do not know how to deal with them or I cannot endure the feelings they provoke.
I do not want to run away from here. I want to keep the few friends I have made here.
Am I the only one? Does anybody feel like that?