Also, today, I react to external stimulus in a different way I did ten months ago. I was very upset with you because you said that you were taking one course in psychology and diagnosed me with borderline personality. Then you changed your mind and said, no, I think you are Narcissistic.
That really upseted me a lot. I thought, how could she think that she can diagnose me with one course of psychology. After just a few days I am here on the board.
I am not saying that it was wrong or bad, I am just saying that I was triggered by it, and at that moment I considered it as an impertinence on your part, lack of respect. I was much more sensitive than I am now.
I can tolerate more things now and I can shut my mouth up better now.
I wish I could do the same with my son. But little by little, one day at a time.
Also, something I always tell my students, the purpose of a foreign language is not to speak it perfectly. Nobody can speak a foreign language perfectly, unless learned bilingually as a child. When you learn as an adult, it will never be perfect. But the purpose is to be able to communicate with people who speak another language that other way you would not be able to approach those people, whether for marketing, friendship, education, political campaign, anything.
My son speaks both languages perfectly, with no accent.
So, my purpose here is to be able to express my feelings and understand the help that many good people are giving me, not to write an essay for English class. And many friends can say that I am doing a heck of a good job at it.
An example, now that a lieder was murdered in Pakistan, many journalists are on TV talking about that. Many have an accent and speak not perfectly, but they send a very clear message. That is the point of learning a foreign language. In My case I speak four. So, none of them perfectly.
I am sorry I did not react in a more appropriate way. Just did not know other.