Dear Coco,
I spent a lot of time on support forums before, during, and after I left my ex. He was neglectful, emotionally and verbally abusive, extremely cruel, and as it turned out, a chronic cheat. The forums really helped me to regain my spirit and over-come the brainwashing. It also helped me to see that other women had felt how I felt, but had gone onto have happy and fullfilled lives once they left their abusive partners.
Boy it was hard though! The power of brainwashing is SO intense. It took me a lot of time, something like 18 months to cut contact from him completely. I felt worthless the entire time. Then I really struggled with starting a new life, where he couldn't follow me around trying to sabotage everything.
It was worth it though. Life is so precious, Coco. There are so many good men, and good causes, out there who are worthy of your love, and would be so enriched to have you in their life. Why waste your gifts on someone cruel and mean? He's not your `kind' . Cruel people don't belong with kind people, I think that it is as simple as that.
I don't know if I'm a success story exactly, but like s many women wh oleft abusive partners, I did go onto fnd a new & wonderful partner, and discovered what real love is all about. I've also accomplished a lot more, and I'm very happy with my life. I dunno, maybe suffering is what makes a person really appreciate good people?
Love to you!
X bella