If he talks all about himself and it appears that you are to pity him for his bad life, that all his girlffriends and wives were terrible to him (That's to make you think YOU are the one to help him be normal.)
If, otherwise, he appears to be the most handsome, considerate man you have ever met, and isn't it strange that he likes everything you do? You have so much in common that it's hard to believe (He's been listening to you and taking mental notes.)
If he rushes you for sex and especially if he rushes you for marriage. (especially if you have money and MANY women are commited with the first sexual encounter with a guy.)
Oh there is lots, like table manners, how he treats other people, if he talks badly about his other partners, then you'll be dumped, or leave and he will tell lies about you and you are just anoother number. A man ought to repect his former wife. He chose her. Why talk so trashy anoout her?
I tried to bold and highlight, but don't seem to have the technique.
1. I sure thought I was special, so much better than all the rest that didn't understand him....didn't he fool me.
2. I do feel like I was an experiment, but once he lost interest nothing I did was right.
3.The sex immediate and you're right I was hooked from the begining and then he withdrew (no pun intended).
4.If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be.....!