Ever have one of those days?
I was talking to my mate,and he was angry at the planner for Baltimore Gay pride for having pride on fathers day
(legit anger there,he has a pretty healthy and good relationship with his father)
And I got triggered.
For me father's days always sucked. The whole world came to a grinding halt to play lets appreciate the tyrant that makes life niserable and pretend he's good. I hate hallmark for inventing parent adoration days where you pay homage to people you can't stand for no good reason other than supposed to.
(Ever noticein our selfish egotist culture there is no son/daughter/child appreciation holiday)
Anyways my father was a very abusive jerk and I was an object of incest.
Father's day is obscene to me.on a visceral level,personally.
Meanwhile I was getting excited about going to go to pride,not thinking about fathers,just to go,have a fun time,work the booth at hearts and ears,and just be with my real family.
But it all got complicated because of the fathers day bullshit.Pride was sceduled on fathers day,so here I am obligated to again pay homage to a father,not my own,that bastard is dead,but to my mates father,to appear and do the protocol of politeness while he has fun,I'll hang around the munchies and make small talk with people that still after being with this guy I really do care about who is kind, his family is psychologically different than he is. They are stiff and very "appropriate"I feel like I can't relax around them.They accept me it's not that they are bigoted or anything in fact they are nice people,they are just culturallypsychologically different. And this psychological cultural difference feels so awkward to me. I don't feel like I can be me.
But here is the irrational side of my anger
Again here is a father interfereing with me,my expression of myself,my happiness,my identity.
My father used to demand that I be a girl, when he was offended at my appearance or strength.
But I am not a girl I am androgynous feline.
He put many shackles on my emotions concerning gender,my mom did too.And I am coming to terms with who I am.This is my first pride. I have been out as bisexual for a long time,I've only been out as transgender for about 2 years,out identifying as a cat about 1 year,and as an asexual person about 5 months.Inside my own heart I have known this about myself for as long as I can remember.And ironically just when I am beginning to feel a little bit warm inside, it feels like my asshole father coming up from the fucking grave screaming at me to be a girl again! Demanding I do the father day ritual of revolving around the tyrant,and negate yourself...again.
I know the intensity of my feelings are a trigger. I don't want to make my mate's time with his more healthy family unpleasent,father's day means something different to my mate than it does for me.. But also I don't want to be messing around with father anything on my first pride.
I do not want to give father~any father~ (this anger extends even to symbol of father) anymore of myself..and that means not giving any father a token or symbolic respect on pride.To me Pride day especially this particular one is my first one, and firt means it will never occur again.Pride days after this one are just events..like Father's day it occurs every year. To me Pride is supposed to be for encouraging me to be me,and for encouraging people with alternative identities to be whatever they are.Pride is to embrace a new identity, including my pride in myself as I am and reject parental legacies of betreal,rejection,conditioning,blame and shame.
So my first pride is special~to me~..I don't expect it to mean as much to somebody else. But here we go again something meaningful to me takes a backseat for obligations and"father".
My 'father" was a master at shame instilling and cultivating self loathing and identity supression .I feel it was partly because I was too male for his liking,I guess I was more of a man then he was and I did it without a dick..Now my time I should be spending doing what is nourishing to mepersonally is interrupted. I have to share the day, a day like my first pride of all days..with another damn "father". Grrrr..
It feels in my heart like my asshole father is kicking me down by proxy and I resent the hell outta this whole mess.I know it's not my mates fault the pride planners were idiots. I could bitch slap the pride planners,hallmark holiday makers and the concept of a birth family itself..
My mate has expressed willingness to drive 2 xtra hours so I won't have to show up at his family gathering. He said he's cook up an excuse for me..I feel guilty asking him to drive all over the place because I never learned to drive,because I am scared to and get bouts of wanting to kill myself or other people and with a car it would be so easty to do so I don't drive yet my mate resents my inability to drive he brings it up to score points in arguments sometimes)(besides I failed the eye exams for getting a lisence).So I am hemming and hawing over taking him up on it. I fear he'll just bitch later about having to drive all over and I don't wanna hear it.
There ain't no public transport where I live.
I made a beautiful cat costume to wear too.It's done in shimmering, rainbows and leather in an egyptian catty way. Like I'm gonna show up wearing this to my mates family outta the blue.I'm sure they'd love the costume,I just don't wanna explain to any"fathers"why I'm wearing it.Explaining it to any 'father'will feel(even if it's all my projections) as if it's somehow wrong to be what I am. And I really do not like feeling this way.
I feel like the driving thing is so limiting but than again I moved out of my place that had bus stop nearby so my mate and I could suceed (he got work)and we did do well for awhile,but I was a miserable lonely housemaid and I HATED it and I supressed that because my mate was working himself to death..and I didn't want to add my pain to the emotional tension. We had to survive. Even when we were both losing it from the pressure.
Now I am stuck living with him in my moms basement so much for"sucess". But we have a car.Whoo wee..and we no bus system because my mom is city paranoid.. Great we got a car with a million emotional strings on it.Shit I'd chuck the car for a bus that I could take for myself that goes where I need to be
(out of Bel Air and into the city )
anyday. This is a neverending source of frustration for me.
I get told by mom and my mate, I have to to confront my fears and learn to drive.They are quite cocercive..This demand is coming from people who just want conveience,and who do not understand I don't feel safe controlling 2,000 pounds of metal because it is too tempting of a WEAPON to me. I wish I would have thought of the transportation issues when I gave up my apartment with a bustop nearby for "sucess"but hindsight is 20/20 I guess..
I was so dumb,giving up my place and my mate was so blind and so unaware of all this too.But he has no right to take this mistake we made together out on me now.I don't ask to be driven everywhere.I know mom and my mate are not chauffers.So I don't ask to be drien for trivial crap and I try to plan my life around them when I can because I want to be considerate..He just complains about driving when it cramps what he wants to do at the moment or if it interferes with family obligations he has.
He can drive around aimlessly for hours when we talk about philosophy in the car,and he says he likes driving.So it isn't as big of a deal as he puts on it seems..But that assumption of me taking advantage underlying this driving issue irritates the shit out of me when he pulls this crap on me.He does it because he has hangups about fearing being controlled.. And I will not be convinced I should be guilty. I ain't trying to control him through not driving.If he can't empathize that it is a safety issue for me,well .what can ya do in this situation? It ain't like we can afford rent anywhere,we have practically no income.. and this isolated neighborhood my mom lives in is the kind of pretensious town where everyone drives and pretends they are sucessful.
Like I said mom is city phobic and scared of differences in people.
And I wish I could just go to pride myself,and do it safely..and say fuck you to all of them,my mate can go to his father's day stuff without me,I could go to pride on a bus. If there was a bus out here he wouldn't be able to bitch about driving,and all. Goddamn I hate neighborhoods that have enough money and pretensious people to assume everyone who lives there drives and so they don't make a public transportation system that goes anywhere beyond town or the old folks home circuits..
And again it's back to paying homage to parents or non parents scared of being like parents because of situations ...to survive.